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Jeff never came last night, and I wasted my time waiting. I barely slept, so now I had to pay the price.

"Whoa...Mindy...You're not looking too hot.." One of my other close friends commented as I trudged into this hell hole high school.

"Thanks, Connor. That makes me feel great about myself." I sarcastically replied. Connor and I began walking to our lockers, which were right by eachother.

"Sorry, Minds."

I shrugged and put in my combination quickly.

"So, how are the dance plans going?" I asked, shoving my messenger bag into my narrow locker.

"They're all great! I just need some one to go with.."

"Oh. Did you ask Chelsea yet?"

"No! Have you lost it? That girl will turn me down in a second." Connor replied.

"Well, trying always helps, you know."

We went our separate ways and I went to my first hour, which was Algebra. I absolutely hated that class!

I sat down at my usual spot, in the back, when the teacher said something.

"Today, we are getting a new student. His name is Timothy." Mrs. Laury announced.

A new student...This may be interesting...

Then, who I think was Timothy, walked in. He was tall and skinny, but I could tell he was muscular. He had chocolate brown hair with brown eyes. Timothy had a small smile on his face, and his cheeks were a little pink.

"Timothy, sit where you like." The teacher said, snapping me out of my thoughts. Timothy nodded and walked over to the table I was sitting in.

"H-Hi, I'm T-Timothy..You can call me Tim." Tim shyly said. I smiled.

"I'm Mindy. Um...I know this seems sudden, but....do you wanna hang out later?" I asked. Tim smiled wider and nodded.

After Algebra, English, and P.E., it was finally time for lunch. I walked down the hallway and too the large cafeteria.

I usually sat close to the windows, but today, I decided to sit next to Tim. Girls were surrounding him and his face was red.

"Hi, Tim!" I said, smiling as I walked up to the table.

"M-Mindy! Why don't you sit right here?" Tim replied, patting the spot next to him. I sat down.

All of the girls finally noticed that Tim wasn't interested and left.

"You okay, Tim?"

"Yeah...I'm just not much of a ladies' man...I'm not good with women at all...I'm quite surprised talking to you worked out." Tim babbled. I could tell he was a nervous person.

"Oh. Well I hope we can be great friends!" I exclaimed. I looked across the lunchroom and saw Chelsea glaring daggers at Tim...Oh god...

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