YDMTI ~ 14

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I woke up again and checked the clock. This time, it was 10:00 in the morning. I didn't feel arms around me, so Jeff must've left. I sat up and grabbed my phone from the bedside table, and texted Chelsea.

"Hey, Chels. It's me, Mindy. Sorry about before. I know why I was such a bitch all the time."

She immediately texted back.

"OMG! It's ok! I miss you so much! Your mom said you moved out. And why do you think you were a bitch?"

I replied.

"I needed love. Now I have it, and I can tell I have changed. I really love this man, Chelsea."

"Who? That Tim guy? Is that who you moved in with? He never comes to school anymore."

"No, not him. I fell in love with Jeff. He may be a dick to me sometimes, but I do love him."

"Aww! Well, I have to go, but I promise to text later. Bye, Mindy."

I smiled and turned my iPhone off, putting it back on the bedside table. I stood up, stretched, then walked out of the room, to the bathroom. I turned the shower on, but realized that the only thing in the shower was men soap. No thanks.

I walked ran downstairs, and tried to find Jeff, but he wasn't here!

"Who are you looking for?"

I turned around to see Ben at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh. Hey, Ben." I said, smiling."I was looking for Jeff, but he isn't here."

"Oh. Do you need something?" Ben asked, stepping closer to me.

"Yeah, I was planning on taking a shower, but the only thing in the shower, was men's soap." I explained. Ben nodded.

"Well. You're just going to have to wait for Jeff to get back, Mindy. That's all I can tell you."

"But I'm starting to smell!" I retorted.

"Oh, believe me, I know." Ben replied. I glared at him and sat on the couch. Ben sat down too, and turned the TV. Where was Jeff? I was so bored!

I sat there, watching a disturbing show called, Tosh.0, waiting for Jeff.

Finally, the front door swung open, and inside walked a bloody Jeff. He was drenched in blood!

"What did you kill, a whole family?" I asked. Jeff smirked.

"Yup! I'm so proud of my self!" He exclaimed. Jeff pulled his hoodie of and threw it on the ground, and he yanked his pants down.

"What the hell, dude?! You're ruining Tosh.0! Move!" Ben whined. Jeff rolled his eyes and stayed right where he was, crossing his arms, stubbornly. Ben mumbled something and stood up. He shoved Jeff out of the way of the flatscreen TV, making Jeff angry.

"I'm not gonna whoop your ass in my boxers, but believe me, Ben, I will." Jeff growled, stomping up the stairs.

I jumped out of my spot and scurried after him.

"Heeeey, Jeff?"

"What do you want, Mindy?" Jeff snapped. I immediately got pissed off.

"Look. Just because Ben shoved you, doesn't mean you have to be a dick to me! I was only asking you a question, and I would like some respect!" I yelled. I could tell Jeff didn't acknowledge a word I said to him, so I stomped downstairs and outside.

~Masky's Point Of View~

I watched as Mindy stomped out of the house, not worrying about wearing shoes. She broke into a sprint and dashed down the road.

"Hmmmm...Should I go after her?"

"I dunno, Masky. Should you?" Hoody replied. I huffed and ran after her.

Mindy ran down the sidewalk and when she noticed the woods, she ran into them. I followed, trying not to lose her.

Mindy stopped running and stood there.

~Mindy's Point Of View~

I ran down the sidewalk as fast as I could, to the woods. I just wanted a place to be by myself.

When I was in the woods, I ran deeper into them, then stopped. I stood where I was, looking off into the distance.

What ever happened to the nice Jeff that I saw no to long ago?

"Miiiinnnndddddy." I heard someone whisper. I looked at my surroundings, still not turning around.

"Who's there?" I snarl. I hear footsteps behind me, then a hand touches my shoulder.

Naturally, I clench my fist and whip it behind me, smashing it against this person's face.

I turned around to see Masky.

I backed away and ran away. I could tell he was following, because I heard noises made from stepping on twigs and leaves.

"Mindy, stop! Now!" He barks. I pick up my pace. My throat was hurting from how hard I was running, but I still pushed myself.

I finally was out of the woods, and on the side of a road. I looked around me, not knowing where I was, but I kept running.

I was breathing hard as I hid behind a dumpster. I heard Masky's footsteps.

"Mindy, I know you're here." He said, stepping into the alley I was in. Tears ran down my face and I held my breath so he wouldn't find me. But he did."Ah! There you are!"

"St-Stay away from m-me!" I quivered, curling up into a ball. Masky scoffed and grabbed a handful of my long hair, yanking me to my feet. My legs were wobbly from running so I almost fell, but Masky held me up.

"C'mon princess, You're coming with me," He said as he practically dragged me to a house.

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