YDMTI ~ 17

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I was laying in Jeff's bed, all by myself. Jeff had never come home. He was probably with that girl...

That bitch...

I hated her. I may not have known her, but I hated her with all the hate I had.

Why did she have to be perfect? Perfect enough to win Jeff over? Why couldn't I be the one?

I sighed as I looked around the room. It had to be at least 7 in the morning. Thinking about how Jeff said those sweet things to me, only a few days before, I started to cry. Crying was a hobby for me now. So was cutting myself. I had lost tracks on how much cuts I had, but I didn't care.

"Mindy? Are you crying?" I heard Jeff whisper.


"Yes you are!" He crawled next to me in the bed.

"N-No...I'm n-not..." I sniffled.

"What's wrong, Mindy?" Jeff asked, sounding worried.

"Do....you still love that girl that you were talking about?" I quivered, looking a t his pale face.

"Yeah...A little...Why?"

I started to cry more.

"I wanna go home.." I sobbed.

"What? Why?"

"I thought you loved me!" I yelled as I stood up and ran out of the room.

I ran outside into the summer night and ran down the road. This time, I wasn't coming back. I was sure of it. I ran until I found a shed. I ducked into it, and curled into a ball.

"What are you doing here?" I heard someone growl.

"I'm sorry...I have no where to stay..." I whispered as I stood up, ready to leave.

"No, don't leave. Sit your ass back down." Her voice was womanly. I nodded and sat down.

"What's your name, runaway?" The woman asked.


"You're Mindy?!" She shouted.

"Yes...I am..." I said, quietly.

"Well! Keep yourself away from Jeff, ya hear me?" She sternly warned.

"Don't worry. I'm never going near him again." I replied.


That tears it!

I jumped on top of her and started to punch her repeatedly. I was punching her so hard, blood started to get all over me.

She was laying there, barely breathing, and I pushed my bail into her neck. It was torn open, so I started to rip out her everything that was in there. The sound of skin tearing filled the shed.

When I was done, I was breathing hard, and I felt different. I looked down at the woman, kicked her in the head, and left.


I knocked on Jeff's door, still breathing hard. The blood had dried on me and I needed a shower. I know I said I didn't ever want to come back here, but I needed a place to stay.

The door opened.


By now, the sun was up. It must've been 7 am.

"Yeah. It's me. Can I come inside? I need a damn shower." I snapped. Jeff stepped back and I walked inside.

Ben was on the couch, as always, but this time, he was playing his video game.

"Hey Mindy." He said, not looking away from the TV screen.

"Sup, mothafucka." I mumbled, walking upstairs. I walked to the bathroom, and got inside. I smiled as the pinkish water went down the drain.

That stupid bitch was dead. Yay!

"Mindy? Are you in the shower?" Jeff asked, from the other side of the door.

"Obviously!" I replied. I heard the door open."We need to talk."

"What's there to talk about?" I said, washing my hair.

"Well...Who's blood was on you?"

"That girl that told me to stay away from you."


" I don't know her fucking name. She was being a bitch so I killed her." I smirked.

"Oh. Um...why'd you run away?" Jeff questioned.

"You already know!"

"Mindy....I don't love her....I love you!" Jeff shouted. I stood there, in the shower. I stayed silent.

After a while, I decided to say something. "You what?"

"I said, I love you. I always have. Do you think I would go through this shit if I didn't?"

I sighed.

I was so wrong...

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