YDMTI ~ 25

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I was now seven months, and let me tell you. My stomach looked like I had swallowed two watermelons! We still didn't know the gender of the baby, because we wanted to be surprised. Ben said that it was healthy, but he also said there would be a HUGE surprise. I couldn't stop wondering what it was!

I was sitting on the couch, watching Adventure Time, when Jeff came in, covered in blood.

"Baaaabe?" Jeff said, plopping next to me. He wrapped his soaked-with-blood arms around me, and kissed my cheek, getting blood on me, too.

"Agh, Jeff! You're getting blood all over my WHITE tank top!" I whined, trying to pry him off of him.

"I'm just givin' you some loooovve!" Jeff cupped my face with his bloody hands and pulled me into a kiss. Happily, I kissed back.

"You guys! She's already pregnant!" Chelsea said from the stairs. Ben was following behind her.

"Fuck off, Chelsea! I was only kissing her." Jeff barked. Chelsea glared at him, then looked at me, softening her gaze.

"How are you doing, Mindy? Has the baby kicked at all?"

"Last night it did but it hasn't kicked at all today." I said, intertwining my fingers with Jeff's. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Well you only have a couple more weeks, and you'll no longer have a baby inside of you." Jeff said, still smiling.

"Yay! I can't wait. I absolutely hate having such a big stomach. It gets in the way."

Chelsea and Ben smiled, then walked out the door. Jeff lifted my tank top up, then started to kiss my stomach. After that, Jeff and I decided to cuddle on the couch. He kissed my forehead, and whispered,

"I love you, Mindy."

"I love you more, Jeffrey." I kissed him on the lips, and he kissed back. I ran a hand through his hair, which made him start to kiss me a little more roughly. I pulled away.

"Jeff, babe, calm down. We can't have sex until the baby is born." I giggled. He sighed.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me...Do not come in my room until I tell you."

I giggled some more and nodded, as Jeff dashed up the stairs.

(Time Skip~ A Couple Weeks Later) WARNING: There's a birth scene

I was laying on the couch with Jeff, who was knocked out. He had blood all over his hoodie, and it was getting on me. My stomach was hurting really bad, and I felt the baby kick me repeatedly. It was like there was more than one in there!

"Ouch!" I yelped, causing Jeff to sit up.

"What?! What's wrong?!" Jeff exclaimed, looking at my stomach.

"Th-the baby's kicking.." I mumbled.


"WHAT?!" I yelled, making Jeff flinch.

"The couch is wet...I think your water broke..." He said, looking at my stomach.

"WHAT?!" I shouted, starting to hyperventilate.

"I'll go get Ben!" Jeff hopped up, stumbling and falling to the ground."Shit...I'M FINE!"

He dashed up the stairs, and I was left here, breathing hard and in pain.

I heard more stumbling, and I saw that Jeff had fallen down the stairs. Ben was laughing at him for a second, then he ran over to where I was sitting.

"Yup. Mindy, you've gone into labor. Are you ready to give birth to your child..or children?" Ben asked.

"Y-Yes..." I panted. Jeff stood up and walked over to where the couch was. He held my hand tight and smiled at me.

"Everything's gonna be okay." Jeff kissed my forehead. I smiled weakly and nodded, closing my eyes. They took my pants and panties off, which made me blush a little.

"Alright Mindy," Ben instructed,"Push."

I pushed as hard as I could. This shit was painful.

"JEFF! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" I screamed, pushing hard.

"I see the head. Keep pushing." Ben said, sounding like a doctor. I squeezed Jeff's hand, hearing it crack a little. I felt Ben pull the baby out, which felt weird as hell!

"What's the gender?" I asked, still breathing hard.

"It's a boy!" Ben happily said. I smiled, too.

"What do you wanna name him, Mindy?" Jeff gently asked, smiling also.

"Cameron..Cameron Woods." I sighed happily. But all of a sudden, I felt another pain."B-Ben...why does it feel like the baby is STILL kicking me?"

"Oh yeah. That's the surprise. You were pregnant with twins." Ben said."Now push."

I pushed as hard as I could, howling in pain.

"It's okay, Mindy. I love you, and I'll be right back." Jeff murmured as he walked upstairs with Cameron in his arms. I kept pushing, and finally, Ben said he saw the head. He pulled the baby out and held it in his arms, trying to keep it from crying.

"What's the gender..?" I mumbled, totally exhausted.

"A girl. Jeff's naming the girl, right?"

I nodded, closing my eyes. I heard someone come down the stairs, so I opened my eyes. It was Jeff.

"I wanna name her Veronica. My little Veronica." Jeff was smiling and crying tears of joy as he took Veronica. "I'm going to go out her with Cameron."

He walked upstairs.

"Good job, Mindy. You did great." Ben complimented, patting my forehead."Want me to help you upstairs? And, me and Chelsea did the babies' room for you. You may not have noticed, but we did it."

"Thanks so much Ben.." I said, looking at his dripping eyes.

"No problem. Now, let me help you get your clothes on."

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