YDMTI ~ 20

229 14 2

It was the day...

My birthday.

Usually, I'd be jumping with joy! But no...

Today is also the day that I loose my virginity. I don't know when, but its bound to come...

I sat on the leather couch with Ben. I had my knees pulled up to my chest.

"You alright, Mindy?" Ben asked, putting a cigarette into his mouth.

"Y-Yeah...I'm fine." I mumbled.

"Todays your birthday, right?" Ben looked at me.

"Yeah...It is."

"How old are ya?"

"17..." I muttered.

"Why are you curled up like tha-

Oh. I know why. You're gonna lose your precious virginity today." Ben chuckled. He blew smoke into the air, and close to my face, causing me to use my hand to fan it away. I sighed.

"Yes, Ben. That is what's wrong." I sighed again. He started to laugh."Whats so funny?!"

"Jeff IS pretty big, Mindy." He laughed some more. My eyes went wide and I looked at him.

"How the hell do you know?!" I shouted. He stopped laughing.


"YOU GUYS HAD SEX?!" I exclaimed. Ben blushed a little and looked down.

"I was high, he was drunk, those two together..don't add up well..." Ben chuckled.

"You liked it!!!" I teased. Ben rolled his eyes.

"Bitch please, I am not gay. I like someone else."


"This girl I met...Her name is Chelsea."


"That's my best friend!"

"We've been hanging out lately. Don't worry, I'm taking things slow with your friend." Ben said, putting his cigarette in his ash tray. He stood up, then turned to me."The only thing you should worry about is how Jeff is coming up the porch right now,"

I screamed and ran upstairs, to the bathroom. I had clothes out already, so I turned the shower on.

When it was warm enough, I stepped into it and let the warm water run down my body.

"Oooohhhhh, Mindyyyyy," I heard Jeff say in a teasing voice. I gulped.

All I could hear was the door opening.

"J-Jeff?!" I shouted. I heard him chuckle.

"I'm coming in~" Jeff stepped in. I instantly covered all of my "parts" and stood in the corner of the shower. This was the first time I had seen a nude man....But...Jeff's body was attractive.

His whole body was white just like his face. He noticed that I was staring, and my face turned red.

"You like what you see, don't ya?" Jeff chuckled. I couldn't say anything. I was too embarrassed to be naked in front of him."Don't be embarrassed, Mindy. Your body is perfect to me."

I smiled and stepped closer to him, uncovering my body. Then, he wrapped his arms around my wet body and kissed me. I kissed back, biting his lip a little. He moaned lightly and pinned me against the shower wall.

Well....You know what happened after that....

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