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I giggled as Tim made an impression of our Algebra teacher, Mrs. Laury. We both hated her!

It was after school so I invited Tim to over my house.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I said, looking down. Tim's face turned pink but he nodded."Have you heard of Jeff The Killer?"

Tim's face became pale and he looked angry.

"Yes...Unfortunately, I have." He said, through his teeth.

I decided to drop the subject.

We finally made it to me house and up my porch. In the driveway, I saw that my mom was just arriving. I dug in my pocket for my key, but O couldn't find it.

"Hey, Do you have your house key?" I asked my mom.

"Yes, dear, I do." My mom replied as she hurried up the steps. She looked at Tim and then looked at me, grinning. I rolled my eyes and she opened the door.

I dashed inside, dragging Tim with me. We were finally in my room and I dropped my bag on the floor.

"Make yourself comfortable, Tim." I said as I looked under my bed and through my room.

"Ok, but may I ask you something?" Tim said, watching me as I scrambled around my small room.

"Yeah, Tim." I replied as I kept searching.

"What are you looking for?"

"It's nothing really," I said.

"Then why are you searching so hard?"

I sighed and sat down on my bed.

"I dunno, Timothy. I'll probably never find what I'm looking for."

Tim nodded and sat next to me.

"Is it a guy?"

I didn't know of I wanted to tell him or not...He may tell...

"Yes. It's Jeff." I said, putting a head on his shoulder. His face turned a little pink, but I didn't think much of it.

"Jeff the Killer?"

"Yeah...Thats him."

Tim shook his head and stood up.

"Do not get yourself caught up in his lies! He is a user! A manipulator! A damn backstabber!" He shouted, putting his hands on his head. I was shocked!

"You know him? Like, in person?"

"Yes. Sadly, I do." Tim spat."Whatever you do, Mindy, do not fall for that...demon!"

My heart was beating so hard in my chest, I was surprised it didn't crash through my skin.

Tim looked as if he felt bad and stepped closer to me.

"I'm s-sorry, Mindy..." He whispered. I nodded and pulled him into a hug. Tim hugged back.

"It's ok, Tim...."

It was almost 11 o'clock and I was laying in my bed when I felt someone get in bed with me. I sat up and looked at who was laying there. Jeff.

"Heeeeeeey, Mindy." Jeff chanted. I felt his muscular arm slither around me.


"Sh! I'm tryin' to sleep, loudmouth." Jeff mumbled. I turned my lamp on, glaring at him.

"A friend of mine told me some things about you..."

"Oh did they?" Jeff sat up, looking more interested."What did they say?"

I crossed my arms.

"That you use people. That you manipulate people. That you are a back stabber." I said, a little mad. Jeff looked quite hurt.

"And you believe them?! I thought you were my 'friend'?!" He yelled.

"I dunno if I should be anymore!" I yelled back. Then, someone else jumped through my open window.

"Leave her alone!" He shouted. I looked at him from head to toe, closely. The man looked and sounded strangely familiar. He wore a mask with an expressionless face that looked as if it was painted on. He wore a yellowish jacket and was carrying a pocketknife.

"You stay the hell out of this, Masky!"

Masky!!!! Ohmagerd! I have to keep my fangirlyness inside.

"No, Jeff! I already know this is going to be another girl that you are going to use only for your desires! Once she's over used, you will just kill her! Either that, or break her heart!" Masky shouted. Jeff stood up, snatching his knife from my bedside table. I watched in fear as both of them fought. Blood was everywhere and most of my things were destroyed!

Where was my mother?!

Then, Masky's mask flew across the room. I could finally see his identity!!!! I looked at him and saw...

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