YDMTI ~ 12

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Jeff and I were sitting on the couch, watching TV. My mom had something to do, so she left us.

Jeff stood up and looked out of the window, and ran back to me.

"Mindy, get your things together. We need to leave." Jeff informed.

"But it's not tomorrow yet!" I replied, standing up.

"Just do it!" Jeff shouted. I ran upstairs and grabbed all of my bags. I only packed important things so I didn't really had that many.

"Ready?" Jeff asked as I ran downstairs. I nodded and slipped my shoes on.

Jeff stayed really close to me when we walked outside. There was a car in the drive way. When did Jeff have time to get that? I shrugged as Jeff opened the trunk and shoved my bags in it. Then, he ran to the passenger side and opened the car door for me. I smiled and got in the car. Jeff shut my door and the trunk and got into the driver's seat, starting the car. Jeff slowly backed out of the drive way and sped down the street.

"Why did you want to leave so fast?" I asked.

"Masky and his pansy friend, Hoody were waiting outside of the window in the living room."

"R-Really? What do they want?"

"You. What Masky said about him and I loving you, was true. Him and I have been enemies for years now," Jeff said, keeping his eyes on the road.

Why me?!

I nodded and looked out of the window. Jeff glanced at me, then at the road.

"Look, Mindy. I know this is a lot to take in...but I promise, things will get better. I've made some arrangements that will cause Masky to be gone forever." Jeff said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I smiled lightly and looked at him.

"Thank you, Jeff. I'm glad you haven't killed me, yet. But where is all of this nice stuff coming from?" I asked. He shrugged.

"The way I used to speak to you was the way I spoke to all of my friends. But you, you made my lump of cold, become a little warm." Jeff said, grinning.

"Lump of cold?"

"My heart, Mindy."

I smiled at Jeff.

"I sound really sappy right now.."Jeff mumbled, chuckling to himself. I giggled a little and looked out of the window again, still holding Jeff's hand.

It took almost the whole day to get to Jeff's house. I had fallen asleep and Jeff had to shake me a little to wake me up.

"Mindy? I already brought all of your things inside. C'mon." Jeff said, gently. I nodded and got out of the car.

He led me to the porch, and opened the door for me. I walked inside the little, yellow house. His living room was clean and it looked like no one ha been here.

"You like? I had a friend of mine clean it for your arrival." Jeff explained.

I smiled.

"It looks nice, Jeff." I replied. I looked at the fireplace, and above it was some kind of shelf with lots of photos. They were all in nicely designed frames. I stepped closer and grabbed one.

It was a teen that looked like Jeff. Must've been Liu.

"Hey, Jeff, who's this?" I asked, although I already knew who it was.

"My...my brother Liu."

"He's kinda cute." I said, admiring the photo of the two."But you were hotter."

"Now, I'm the hottest." Jeff replied. He caressed his face and grinned, causing his eternal smile to almost touch his eyes. I giggled and sat in his large recliner.

"I could get used to this," I said, closing my eyes.

"Well, right now, you need to go upstairs and unpack. There's only one room so I'll just sleep on the couch." Jeff explained, pointing at his black leather couch. He had all leather in his living room, and above the shelf (that was above the for place) was a large flat screen TV.

I nodded and stood up, walking upstairs to the only bedroom that was up there. Besides the bedroom, there was a bathroom, a closet, and another door.

"Hey, Jeff!" I shouted. Jeff hurried up the stairs and stood behind me.


"Who's room is that?" I asked, pointing at the door.


I nodded and walked to the one that looked like Jeff's, where all of my bags were.

I unzipped the biggest one, which had all of my clothes in it.


"Whaaaaat?" Jeff replied, obviously annoyed.

"Sorry, but where do you want me to put my stuff?"

"Oh! In that dresser. And if you have pads or some shit, they can go in the bathroom."

Jeff left, so I decided to change into some pajamas. When I was done doing that, I put all of my clothes in the drawers.

After the clothes, were my stuffed animals! Don't judge me! I had my little Ben Drowned, my Slendy, my Rainbow Dash, my unicorn, my Nyan Kitty, my Link, my Spongebob, my Mickey Mouse, and my favorite, Eyeless Jack! I had them sprawled all over Jeff's bed. At my house, I was only allowed to have Ben out because my mom hated the others. Why? I don't know.

In the next bag, was stuff for my personal needs. Like, pads, tampons, makeup, girly things. I decided to leave the makeup and stuff in my bag, but I rushed to the bathroom across the hall, and stuffed the pads and tampons in the bottom drawer of the sink.

I admired the bathroom. The sink counter was made of marble, and the sink was like a bowl! Jeff had a carpet that if you stepped on it, it would look like bloody footprints. Typical.

I ran back to the bedroom, where the black bed was covered in stuffed animals. I smiled at the sight, and went to the next bag. This was the last bag, and in it was all of my favorite photo albums and photos. I had a picture in a frame of Chelsea and I. Then, I put one with my mother, father, brother, and I. Tears threatened to come out of my eyes, but I wiped them away with the back of my hand. I set the two pictures on the bedside table.

Finally, I was done. And I was really tired. I fell asleep on my cloud of stuffed animals.

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