YDMTI ~ 21

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It was noon when I woke up. I glanced beside me, and I saw that Jeff had his arms around me and his head was laying on one of my boobs. He was snoring quietly, so that meant he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

Last night wasn't too bad at all. I actually enjoyed it.

Things weren't even awkward! It was like that wasn't my first time, yet it was.

And I loved it.

The only thing that was bad was that my neck had thousands of hickeys, my boobs also had hickeys, and that my girl was sore. If you catch my drift.

"Good morning, Mindy!!!" Jeff exclaimed, sitting up.

"Good morning, Jeffrey."

"How was I?"

"You were awesome, Jeff." I replied.

"Then why aren't you happy and jumpy like me?" Jeff asked.

"I'm sore, bae."

"Oooooh! Right. Do you wanna take a shower and then we can cuddle on the couch while watching a Disney movie?" Jeff asked. I smiled.

"You cliché son of a bitch." I chuckled."But yes, I'd love to!"

Jeff laughed.

"Alright, I'll be back when the shower is warm enough for us. Okay?"

"Okay." I said. Jeff nodded and ran to the bathroom, still naked. I laughed a little and stood up.

I had a text on my phone, am I checked it. It was Chelsea.

"Hey, Mindy! I might be staying with you guys!"

"Yay! Guess what, though?!"

It took her a few minutes to reply. But she did,


"I lost my virginity to Jeff last night!"

I turned my phone off and set it down again. Good thing Ben wasn't home, because I didn't feel like getting dressed just to walk to the bathroom.

"MINDY! IT'S READY!" Jeff yelled. I walked over there and got in the shower.


Jeff and I were sitting on the couch together, cuddling. I had his hoodie on with some leggings, and he wore his usual black dress pants. Je was shirtless because I had his hoodie on. Jeff's hair smelled like shampoo. I was running my hands through it.

We were watching Cinderella. When the movie was over, I glanced over at Jeff to see that he was knocked out. I sighed and cuddled closer to him, falling asleep, too.

I was woken up to someone knocking on the door. Jeff didn't wake up, so I stood up and answered it. I was tackled to the ground, causing me to scream.

"YOU NAUGHTY GIRL!" They exclaimed, causing Jeff to sit up and look at us. He growled.

I sat up and saw that it was Chelsea, and laughed.

"Why do you say that?" I chuckled.

"You lost your virginity last night!" She exclaimed. My face was a little warm, and I looked back at Jeff who was smirking.

"Yeah..So?" He asked. Chelsea stood up.

"You better have used protection on her!" Chelsea barked. Jeff stretched and scratched his butt, then walked towards Chelsea.

"Oh yeah? Well I didn't. Sue me." He chuckled, walking tithe kitchen. I said there, realizing, that I could be pregnant....I'm only 17!

Chelsea's mouth hung open and I stood up.

"Hey everybody! What's going on?" Ben said as he walked in.

"Wellllllll, I didn't use protection when I had sex with Mindy." Jeff yelled from the kitchen. He didn't even care! I was pissed.

"JEFFREY ALAN WOODS! GET YOUR UNSAFE ASS IN HERE!" I shouted. He trudged into the living room.

"What? I was kidding! Gawd...You people don't know how to take jokes. Of course I used a condom! I told you I had to put one on, Mindy!" Jeff yelled. I face palmed my self.

"Sorry, Jeff."

"Whatever. I love you, ya weirdo." Jeff mumbled as he turned around and walked back to the kitchen. I smiled and sat back on the couch.

"Welp! Chelsea, what do ya wanna do?" Ben said, stepping closer to her.

"Let's play video games!" She cheered. Ugh...They're going to take the TV....

"Okay! You...um...don't mind if I smoke....do you?" Ben stumbled on his words and he looked down.

"I don't mind! Wait...what do you smoke?"

"Tobacco, weed...Sometimes I do cocaine, and pot." Ben mumbled.

"Okay! That's totally fine!" Chelsea said, as she plopped down on the couch next to me. Ben smiled at her, then pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and took one out.

"Urrrrg...JEFF!" Ben barked.

"Whaaaat?!" Jeff yelled from the kitchen. Then, Jeff stomped into the living room.

"Where the hell is my lighter?! I know you were using it for your damn cigars, Jeff!"

"Cigars?" I asked, a little confused. Why hadn't Jeff told me that he smoked?

"Uh, yeah...Its in my car, and Mindy, come with me...."Jeff mumbled. He walked upstairs and I followed him.

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