YDMTI ~ 13

251 13 3

I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock. It was midnight. Sitting up, I turned the lamp that was next to me on. I stood up and walked downstairs.

On the couch, Jeff was sleeping. Or at least I thought.

"Mindy? What are you doing up?" Jeff whispered.

"I just woke up randomly. How about you?" I whispered back, walking over to the couch.

"I'm really uncomfortable on this damn couch,"

"Why don't you come upstairs?"

"You have a whole bunch of stuffed animals on the bed." Jeff said, sitting up.

"I can just throw them on the ground, you know."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Jeff." I said, looking at him. Jeff nodded and stood up. I walked up the stairs with him behind me.

"You walk too slow," Jeff complained. I glared at him.

"You walk too fast!" I replied. We were upstairs and I walked to his room where all of my stuff was. I pushed everything off of the bed, and laid down. Jeff crawled onto the bed also, and laid next to me.

I turned over to face him and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me really close. I loved being in Jeff's arms. Ot made me feel safe. Not one thought of Masky or Chelsea or my mom popped in my head. All that was there was this moment.

'I'm falling in love...with..Jeff! Am I insane? Have I lost my mind? What is wrong with me?

But there's something about him. Something that I love. Something that I need. So, I have to face it. I'm in love with Jeff The Killer.' I thought as I fell asleep with my face buried in his chest.

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