YDMT ~ 15

247 13 0

The house he took me to was obviously abandoned, because on the inside, there were pipes and broken tiles all over the floor. Boards were hanging from the ceiling, water was dripping, and the walls were torn open.

"Wh-Where are we?"

"I dunno. I found this place earlier. Its where you're going to be staying, love." Masky replied.

"I can't stay here! This place doesn't have the resources I need!"

"Well, too bad."

I scowled at Masky and punched him in the face. He stumbled backwards, holding his cracked mask against his face. I sprinted out of the house and down the sidewalk.

It had to have been around 4 o'clock and I had no idea of where I was.

I was standing in the middle of a road, with no cars, and no people. I was alone.

I fell to my knees and started to cry. Jeff probably wasn't even worried that I was gone. No one was. I sobbed louder and laid on the ground.

I must have been crying for a long time because it was dark outside now. I had an uneasy feeling being alone in the dark, so I started walking. I walk for hours and finally, I see cars. The streetlights light my way and I noticed there weren't many people walking.

I felt a hand slip over my mouth. Tears started to poor out of my eyes again because I knew it was Masky.

"Wanna go to sleep?"

It was Jeff! Thank god!!!

"J-Jeff?!" I shouted. I yanked his hand from my mouth and turned around to face him.

"Mindy! Ben and I were looking all over for you!"

Tears started to fall from my face and I yanked Jeff closer to me. I sobbed into his hoodie, as he rubbed my back.

"Did something happen?" Jeff asked, with a worried tone.


"WHAT? WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU?!" Jeff roared, grabbing my shoulders and looking into my eyes.

"H-He didn't do anything, but he tried to k-keep m-me in an abandoned h-home..." I sobbed.

"That bastard...C'mon, Mindy. I'm taking you home." Jeff picked me up bridal style and walked down the street.

My eye lids became heavy and I fell asleep.

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