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I barely slept last night because Jeff was snoring and talking in his sleep.

"G'morning, Mindy. I'm gonna leave. I have things to deal with." Jeff informed, when he saw that my eyes were open. I sat up, looking at him, and nodded. He gave me a thumbs up and walked through my doorway.

"Wait! Jeff!" Jeff came back.

"Yes, Mindy? Make it quick, I have to go."

"My mom."

"She went to work, Mindy. Don't worry." Jeff reassured. I nodded again and he left for the second time.

"Hey, Mindy?" Chelsea said. We were sitting in my front yard again, but this time we weren't practicing for try outs.

"Yeah, Chelsea?"

"Was Jeff the Killer really in your house?" Chelsea asked.

"Yeah. He was." I replied.

"S-Sorry...for not believing...you."

I shrugged. I really didn't want her apology. I actually didn't care that she didn't believe me. Chelsea never really believed anything I ever said, she probably didn't believe me right now.

"It's fine, I guess." Was all I said. Chelsea sighed and looked at me.

"You guess?"

I shrugged. Chelsea frowned.

"I just apologized! And all you have to say is, 'It's fine, I guess'?!"

"Yup." I said, popping the 'p'. Chelsea huffed and walked down the side walk to her house. I shrugged and walked inside.

No one was home. My mom went grocery shopping, my brother was in California for a year, and my dad walked out on us.

I ran upstairs and to the bathroom. Using the mirror to see myself, I put my red hair in a pony tail. Today was just gonna be a lazy Sunday for me. I had no plans anyway.

I sat on the couch and watched an episode of Teen Titans Go. Sounds childish, I know. But I used to love Teen Titans and this was the closest thing there was. The episode was 'Laundry Day'. In this episode, the titans' suits needed washing, so they had nothing else to wear. Robin was supposed to do the laundry, but he made Raven do it instead. The guys walked around naked while the girls wore robes...

"It looks like Robin has no dick, Mindy." I heard someone chuckle from behind me. I turned around and saw Jeff chomping on a sandwich.

"It's a kid show." I replied.

"They can still make it realistic!"

I rolled my eyes and turned back around and watched TV. Jeff started laughing and walked back to the kitchen.

Just as he did, my mother came in, with groceries in both arms.

"Could you help me, Honey?"

I huffed and stood up, grabbing the bag.

I was hoping Jeff was gone, but unfortunately, he was still in the kitchen.

"Who's that?!" My mother shouted, setting the bag she was holding on the counter.

I didn't know what to say!

"I'm her boyfriend." Jeff said, walking up to me and kissing my cheek.

I don't know what came over me, but I wanted him to do it again! What the heck is going on?!

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