YDMTI ~ 27

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My eyes fluttered open, and I looked around. I was in a house, that had run down furniture. There was a table right next to me, with lots of "devices".

"What the hell?!" I shrieked. I was tied to a chair, but my mouth was free. I wiggled around, trying to break free, but there was no use!

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I watched as Masky stepped into the room."You can't break free this time."

"S-Says who?!" I hissed. He rolled his eyes.

"Says, I."

Masky stepped closer, and I noticed he was holding a scalpel, that had fresh blood on it.

"What the hell are you going to do with that?!"

"Oh..Just gonna.." Masky brought the scalpel to my cheek, pressing down lightly. I started to whimper."Just gonna make you feel pain. Like I did."

"H-How did you feel pain..?" I asked. I felt the blood start to drip down my cheek. It went into my mouth, letting me taste the metallic, bitter stuff.

"You and Jeff did! You are supposed to be MINE!" He sliced my cheek once more.

I screamed out in pain, clenching my hands into fists until they turned white.

"I am...I am not meant for you...Jeff and I have ch-children..." I mumbled, closing my eyes. Masky growled.

"That asshole knocked you up?!"

I didn't answer, I just kept my eyes and mouth shut.

I just wanted to go home..

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