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I looked at him with a blank expression.
"Scared, huh?" He sneered. I scoffed.
"Not at all."
He stood there, looking at me.
"Take a picture. It lasts longer."I mumbled to myself.
"What was that?"
"None of your business." I replied. Jeff growled.
"You're a bitch...Ya know that?"

I smirked and nodded.

"I thought you liked Creepypasta," He said.
"I do."
"Then why aren't you fangirling or some shit like that?"
"Because I don't do shit like that."

Jeff crossed his arms, obviously irritated. He had a scowl stuck on his face, which annoyed me.

"Wipe that look off your face."
"Shut the hell up." Jeff spat.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, only to be brought to the ground by Jeff. He had a crazed look on his face and his knife put to my neck.

"Get off of me."
"No." Jeff growled as he he pressed the knife against my skin. I soon felt a liquid drip down my neck and onto the ground.


Jeff looked up to see my mother standing in my doorway. He jumped off of me, and out of my open window.

"Thanks for the save, Mom."
"Who was that?!"
"Jeff The Killer. Duh." I replied.
"Do you need to go to the hospital?" She asked. I felt my neck.
"Nah. It isn't too bad. I'll be fine."
She nodded and stepped out of my room.

I decided to call Chelsea and tell her what happened. She was on my speed dial, so in no time I was on call with her.

"Hey, Chels. It's Mindy." I said.
I sighed.
"I almost got killed."
"BY WHO?!" Chelsea shouted, obviously worried.
"Jeff The Killer."
"....Seriously, Mindy?! That isn't funny! You actually had me worried!"
"He did!"
"I don't believe that." She replied. Before I could say anything, my iPhone was taken from me.
"I did try to kill her. And I'll do it again. Maybe you aren't a true friend if you don't believe Mindy." Jeff spat into the phone. He tapped on 'end call' and slammed my phone down.
"What the heck, Jeff? You probably cracked my screen!"
"You won't need your phone when you're dead."

I rolled my eyes. So he was gonna start this crap again?

"Ugh...Can't you just be normal? I'm tired of you always talking about you killing me!" I shouted.
"I'm not normal. So get used to it."
"Don't you have any friends?" I asked. He shook his head.
"I don't need friends."
"What about Ben Drowned and all of those guys?"
"They're family." Jeff said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"You don't at least want to try and be friends with me?" I questioned, sitting down on my bed.
"No. I'd rather kill you." Jeff grunted. I crossed my arms.
"C'mon, Jeff! I'm a huge fan of you!"
Jeff plopped on my bed, ignoring me. I was getting angry and he knew it.
"Eh. Maybe we could be friends...If you try not to be a bitch." On the inside, honestly, I was jumping for joy. But on the outside, I just nodded. Jeff shifted his body so he could face the wall. "I'm takin' a nap."
"Pardon? Don't you have your own house?" I asked.
"Friends let friends stay the night, Mindy."

I nodded and turned my back to him, trying to sleep. Trying.

Did you know that Jeff snores?

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