YDTMI ~ 19

233 9 4

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. Jeff wasn't in the bed, but I heard him yelling downstairs.

I stretched, then stood up. I grabbed Jeff's skull shirt and walked downstairs.

"G'morning, Mindy." Ben said, putting a hookah pen in his mouth and sucking in the smoke.

"Morning, Smokey."

He rolled his eyes and kept playing some video game that he was obsorbed in. I'm surprised he even noticed that I was breathing!

"Where's Jeff?" I asked, plopping on the couch next to Ben.

"Yeah...That's nice.."Ben mumbled, letting the hookah pen droop out of the edge of his mouth. As he talked, the smoke came out of his mouth in a cloud.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen, where a dog was laying on the floor. It had black and red fur...

"Um...When did we get a dog?" I yelled, so Ben could hear me. He didn't reply, so I stepped closer to the animal. It must've been asleep, because it's head popped up.

It started to growl. Then, it turned around, and it's aggressive expression faded to a softer one. But...The weird thing about the dog was...It had a smile just like Jeff's!

"Oh. Hi, Mindy. I thought you were Ben. Whats up?" It said.

"Y-You're talking?!" I shrieked."No..No...This isn't really happening.."

"Yes it is. I'm fucking SmileDog, I can do a lot of shit that you wouldn't expect." The dog chuckled. My eyes widened in fear.

"S-SMILEDOG?!" I choked out. The dog simply nodded, and stepped forward.

"Don't worry, mortal. I'll play nice. Plus, I'm a cuddler. So don't be afraid of me." Smile reassured. I started to calm down a little, and nodded.

"But...Um..Wheres Jeff?"

"He went out to...tale care of some things."

"What things?"

"Things that he prefers you not to know..." Smile said, turning his tone from fun and playful to serious.


I turned around and walked back to the living room where Ben was, still smoking hookah. On the TV was some show about sex.

"Hey, Mindy." He said. I glanced at the TV, then back at him.

"What in the depths of hell are you watching?!" I exclaimed.

"Uhh...Its a show where 10 horny teens get locked in a room, and there are cameras in there. They are trying to see how long the teens will last." Ben explained.

"Aaand the point of this is..?"

"Hey, you have your interests, and I have mine."

"Since when do you like doctor shit and stuff like this?!"

"Before,"He gestured to is entire body."This happened. When I was like, 12, I actually wanted to be a doctor. Then, Majora took over my brain, and any thoughts like those were washed away."

"Oh." Was all I said. I sighed and climbed upstairs, to Jeff and I's room. The bed was a mess, so I decided to tidy it up a bit. I also cleaned the room too.

Before I knew it, it was 12:30. Jeff still wasn't here!

Then, I heard someone come up the stairs. I figured it was Ben, so I just sat on my bed and played Flappy Bird on my iPhone.

"Hey, beautiful." I heard Jeff say. My bird died, and I looked up.


"That's the name."

I stood up and pulled him into a tight embrace. He laughed and hugged me back. When we were done hugging, he shrugged of his hoodie.

"You seemed to miss me." Jeff said, plopping onto the bed.

"Yeah....I just really care about you. I thought you were in danger or something." I replied. Jeff laid back and patted the place next to him. I smiled and skipped to the bed, then jumped on it.

"Hey...Mindy...Why are you wearing my t-shirt?"

"Oh...I dunno. But it's very low by the chest..Which I'm not very comfortable with..."

"I like it. Why don't you just take it off?" Jeff chuckled. My face heated up a little, causing Jeff to laugh some more.

"N-No thank you..." I mumbled.

"Oh c'mon! You know we are going to have to have it at some point!" Jeff argued.

"Have what?"


My eyes went wide and I shook my head. Jeff chuckled and said,

"Someday, you won't be able to resist me."

My face began to feel as if it was on fire.

"Actually, Mindy, when's your birthday?"

"M-March 10th...."I mumbled. Jeff started to laugh.

"You'll be 18, won't you?" He chuckled. My eyes went wide.

"N-No! I'll be...uh..17!" I frantically shouted. Jeff shrugged.

"Old enough for me," He replied. I grabbed my iPhone and checked the date. It was March 8th....


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