YDMTI ~ 28

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(Jeff"s P.O.V.)

I held Cameron in my arms as Veronica fell asleep in the crib. Cameron just wouldn't fall asleep! I could tell he'd be rebellious when he got older. He resembled me. Well, except for the smile and white skin. Besides that, he had all of my looks. Veronica looked just like him. They were so identical!

I sighed sadly. Mindy had been gone for days, and there was no trace of her anywhere. Ben, Chelsea, and I had been looking for her, but we couldn't find her! It was so depressing...She just had our children!

I should've known that life wouldn't be easy sailing...It never is for me. Ben said that he had saw a cop patrolling our yard the other day, and that he knew that the police were getting suspicious. I had no idea where to go, but I needed to find a place before my children were taken from me. They were only three weeks old, but I still felt a strong connection.

I put Cameron in his crib, since he FINALLY decided to fall asleep. Him and his sister sucked on their thumbs peacefully, without a care in the world. Sometimes, I wish I could be that innocent. Then again, I love being a killer. I do sometimes regret a lot, but I sooner or later get over it.


I whipped my head to the doorway of my kids' bedroom, to see one of my closest friends.

Eyeless Jack.

"E-E.J.?" I quivered. He chuckled.

"That's me." His voice sounded as calm as always. I pulled him into a hug. Not a gay hug! I am not gay. I support it a lot, but I would never be gay in my life! Even if it depended on it!

"How...have you been? How'd you break out of jail?" I asked, looking at him from head to toe.

"I've been great! I broke out of jail uh...about last year. I tried to get as far as I could from the UK, so no one would recognize me. Then, I decided to see my old buddy. It was a pain in the ass trying to find you, but I did."E.J. said, using his scalpel to clean his nails.

"Oh..Well, wanna see my kids..?" I had totally forgot that we were in the same room as Veronica and Cameron.

"Yeah...They're in the crib right behind you..." He pointed behind me, laughing lightly. I turned around and looked at the large crib that was behind me.

"Oh. Right. Well, we better leave. I don't want them to wake up. I just got 'em to fall asleep." I replied. E.J. nodded and stepped into the hallway, with me following. Shutting the door as quietly as I could, I looked around the hallway, to see if any of my other old friends were here.

"Heyyy! Guess who?!" Someone enthusiastically shouted, tackling me to the ground.

"Toby, I did miss you, but SHUT THE FUCK UP. MY KIDS ARE ASLEEP!" I hissed.

"S-Sorry." He twitched."You seem like a good father."

"Thanks..." I sighed. Then, another friend of mine came out of the shadows. It was Laughing Jack.

"Hey!" He started to cackle."Heard you knocked that Mindy chick up, hahaha. Nice."

"L.J., shut your goddamn mouth, because no one wants to hear you flap it." I said, rolling my eyes."Now, what do you guys need?"

"Well, Slendy wants you to stay with us from now on. He said that you were getting too close to being caught." E.J. also crossed his arms.

"Yeah. Go get your kids and Ben so we can leave." Toby twitched. I ran a hand through my hair.

"What if Mindy comes here?" I questioned. Toby, E.J., and L.J. looked down in thought. Well...I think E.J. did.

"Um..I dunno Jeff. You shouldn't risk it. She may never come back." E.J. quietly said.

"Don't say that! She will come back!" I yelled. Then, I heard pounding on the door.


My eyes went wide, and I dashed into my kids' room. I picked both of them up, and dashed out of the room.

"Guys, c'mon!" I shouted, sprinting to Ben's room, still holding the babies. The guys followed me into Ben's room, and I slammed the door open. Ben was laying in bed with Chelsea, and they were naked.

"YOU GUYS! GET UP AND GET DRESSED! THE COPS ARE HERE!" Toby barked, jumping out the window. Glass shards went everywhere, so I covered the kids up. Then, I jumped out of the window, landing on the ground without breaking my legs. This was a two story house, but I Ha been jumping out of windows for years.

I ran into the woods, panting. I heard E.J. yell,"Meet us at Slendy's!"

I kept running. Slendy's house was only about 25 minutes away, so it wouldn't take long.

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