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"I'm home, honey!" I heard my mother chirp from downstairs. I set my iPhone down and walked downstairs.

"Hi, mother." I said, sitting at the counter.

"Hello, my dear. What did you do when I was gone?"

"I was hanging out with Chelsea. But she got annoyed with me because I was proving a point." I explained."She says that ever since I started reading Creepypastas, I've been acting as if I had no sanity."

"Well, she's right when she says that," My mom muttered.

"Excuse me? I'll kill you just like Jeff did to his own parents!" I shouted.

"Honey, calm down. I was only saying that you have been acting strange since you left Middle School."

I rolled my eyes and stood up, pushing the tall chair I was sitting in to the ground. My mother watched with a shocked expression on her face. I stomped upstairs and to my room, flopping onto my bed.

"You seem...annoyed." I heard a voice say.

"I'm very annoyed."

"As long as I can kill you, I don't mind." The voice replied.

"I'd like to see you try."

I heard footsteps, but I didn't bother to look up.

"Look at me,"

I stayed right where I was, not caring about who this person was.

"Look. At. Me." They spat. I decided to look.

Standing right in front of me, was none other than, Jeff The Killer.

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