Oneshot 1- 1920's (Malcolm's POV)

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I was staring at the time machine that was before me. Darhk was out completing one of his deals and I was left to guard the machine. Suddenly, a thought came to me. I can use the time machine to save Rebecca. I jumped out of my chair, climbed in and set the date. I hoped and prayed that this would work. I strapped myself in, initiated the time drive and I flew away.

"Ok, what will happen to the timeline if Rebecca Merlyn lives?" I ask the AI on the ship.

"The survival of Rebecca Merlyn will result in her clinic becoming the biggest in Starling City, and several other changes to the timeline." It said.

"Such as?" I asked.

"Rebecca will live for 6 more years. She will die 4 years after the birth of your daughter Jessica Merlyn. This will restore the timeline." It replied.

"What does that mean?"

"After the death of Rebecca Merlyn, you will still level the Glades and Tommy Merlyn will perish in the quake."

"What about Thea Queen? What happens to her?" I asked.

"There will be no changes to her timeline."

I nod, taking in my choices. I could either let her die and have Tommy be alone for all of his childhood or I can save my wife, have another child and have 6 years with her that I never had. I finally decided that this was definitely worth the risk. A few minutes later, I landed and camouflaged the ship. I walked out and crept to the alley. I poked my head out and saw my Rebecca. The thug had his hand around her throat and a gun to her stomach. I heard her cry out as he jabbed it further into her skin.

"Hey! Get away from her!" I yelled, running at the thug.

Before he could do anything, I rugby tackled him to the ground and knocked him out. I turned around and saw Rebecca staring at me.

"Rebecca, are you ok?" I asked.

She immediately flung herself into my arms. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. I had forgotten how good it felt to have her in my arms. After a few seconds, I pulled away slightly, looked her in the eyes and pressed her lips to mine. She immediately kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck. A few seconds later, I pulled away.

"You look different." She said.

"I'll explain later. Let's get you home." I said.

Rebecca nodded, so I scooped her into my arms and carried her all the way to the mansion. My car wasn't there, so the past version of me was probably at Moira's house. I opened the doors and carried her upstairs to her room. As soon as I pulled the covers over her body, she fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and walked out of the bedroom. Before I could leave, my younger self strode through the door.

"What the hell?" past me said.

"Listen, I don't have time to explain everything. Long story short I'm you from the future. I saved Rebecca from a thug that would have killed her without me intervening. You may not have much longer with her, so cherish the time while you can. Be nicer to her, show her your affections, because one day, she'll be gone and you'll never see her again." I said before walking out the door, leaving the past me standing there in shock.

As soon as I was on the ship, I pressed the return journey button and I flew away.

"Has the timeline solidified yet?" I asked the AI.

"Yes it has. All the predicted timeline changes are assured." It replied.

I suddenly had a vision of a laughing baby. Rebecca was beside me, holding her in her arms. There was a flash of light and I saw a little girl running after Tommy.

"Jess is gonna get me! Help me daddy!" Tommy shouted.

"Teddy, I'm gonna get you!" Jess yelled.

Tommy ran right into my arms. I hoisted him high into the air as Jess skidded to a halt at my heels.

"That's not fair!" Jess said, crossing her arms.

I laughed, bent down and said "I'll help you get him later."

"Yay!" Jess yelled, running into the house.

"Daddy, I'm hungry!" Tommy said.

"Come on then, let's get some food" I said, putting Tommy on the ground. He immediately sprinted into the house.

I snapped out of my daze. I was back in the 1920's. Damien and Eobard were standing there. I sighed, cleared the logs and got off the ship.

"Where did you go?" Darhk asked.

I ignored him and walked away, happy with what I did.

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