Oneshot 6 Part 1

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I sat down at my desk; ready to start the report Mr Queen wanted me to finish a report on company funding. I was halfway through when Miss Rochev came marching to my desk.

"How can I help you Miss Rochev?" I asked.

She slammed a large chunk of files on my desk. My eyes went as wide as saucers.

"I'm joint CEO now, so will answer to me as well. Understood?" she snapped.

"Yes Miss Rochev." I replied meekly.

"Good. I want you to look at these employee files and write up their yearly reports. The heads of department are in a meeting so they are unavailable."

I decided to be bold, so I asked "Couldn't you have asked them when they got out of the meeting? Mr Queen needs a report by 5pm."

Her expression went from slightly annoyed to evil dragon lady mad. She placed her hands on my desk, leaned in closer and said "Never question my decision again. I asked you to do this, so you will do it. Mr Queen's report is no longer your priority."

"Yes Miss Rochev. I apologise." I said.

She nodded, stood up again and said "I want those reports on my desk tomorrow morning."

Before I had time to answer back, she had turned round and marched down the corridor to her office. I sighed, saved Mr Queen's report and opened the first employee file. Melissa Roberts- we talked often and she was really nice. My heart sank when I saw that Miss Rochev wanted me to recommend her for termination. If I got on the wrong side of her again, my head would be on the chopping block. I put my head down and began my reports. For hours, my fingers flew across the keyboard and the clicking of each key became soothing.

After 3 hours, I stopped, got out of my chair and went to the cafeteria for some food. I picked up a spaghetti bolognese and orange juice to go and went back to my desk. I wasn't even halfway done with the task and it was 2pm. I was in for a long day. After eating my food, I went straight into the next report- Matthew Banks.

After what seemed like an hour, a voice asked "Miss Crowley, do you have my report?"

I snapped my head up and saw Mr Queen standing there.

"Mr Queen, I apologise, I didn't see you there." I said.

He smiled and said "It's ok, but I would really like my report."

"It's 5pm already?" I asked, shocked.

He nodded and asked "Why are you so surprised?"

"I've been so busy with work I lost track of time." I said.

He picked up a file off the desk and asked "What is this?"

"Miss Rochev's assignment. I need to write up the reports on our employees and have them on her desk tomorrow morning." I replied.

"When did she give you this?" he asked, concern on his face.

"This morning." I said, looking down at my paperwork.

I suddenly felt someone gently hold my chin and move my head up. It was Mr Queen.

"Just because she is joint CEO does not mean she can boss you around like a dog doing tricks for treats." He said sternly.

"My job is on the line here. I saw my file. Recommendation of termination. I can't lose this job!" I said.

"She wants to fire you?" he asked, moving his hand.

I nodded before resuming my work. After what seemed like an eternity, I was done. I looked at the time and saw it was 11pm. I printed everything and took the huge stack of reports to Miss Rochev's office. I knocked.

"Come in." she said.

I pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"Your reports Miss Rochev." I said as I walked over and placed them on her desk.

"Thank you. Your job is safe." She said.

I smiled, but before I could reply she said "Only if you complete this last project for me."

"What project?" I asked.

She handed me a file and said "You have one hour. If I am not sitting here when you finish, you lose your job."

I nodded and rushed out the door. I skidded round the corner and flew to my desk. I sat down, opened the file and saw she wanted me to research ARGUS, a top secret government organisation. I did some digging, but couldn't find a lot because they were protected by several firewalls that I couldn't get past. I sighed, printed all my findings and rushed to her office. I knocked and opened the door, but she wasn't there. My heart sank as I left the last piece of work I would do on her desk and walked out of the door.

"Miss Crowley." An unfamiliar voice said.

I spun round and saw the man that had been terrorising our city- Deathstroke.

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