Oneshot 3- Oliver and Reader

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(Y/N)= your name

We walked into the lair after successfully taking down another criminal. I collapsed into my chair, took off my mask and began to look for any signs of him showing his cowardly face.

"(Y/N), take it easy. We've taken down more criminals this week than ever. It's time we take a break." Oliver said, walking over to me.

I sighed and said "I can't take it easy. I have to find him!"

"Find who?" he asked me.

I suddenly saw a red blip on the computer screen. It was him. Without thinking, I jumped out of my chair, grabbed my bow and ran up the stairs.

"(Y/N), wait!" I heard Oliver shout behind me.

I ignored him and kept moving. I had to end this tonight. When I finally made it to the location and was in position, he was giving instructions to his guard.

"Make sure she's dead. Her family didn't fight, so she shouldn't be any trouble." he said.

I growled and jumped down. They spun round in surprise.

"I think you may have underestimated me." I said.

Before they could react, I drew my bow and fired an arrow into the guard's heart. He looked at me with wide eyes before smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"This just got interesting." he said.

I quickly loaded another arrow and aimed it straight at his chest.

"(Y/N) no!" a voice yelled.

I didn't look back as I knew who was behind me. Oliver.

"Don't do this." he said.

"I have to. Besides Oliver, I'm not you." I said before releasing the arrow.

Before it could find it's target, it was knocked out of the way. I turned to Oliver and saw his bow was drawn.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"You're not a killer." he said.

"You're wrong." I replied.

"Sorry, do you two need a minute?" he asked.

"No." I said as I turned round and walked over.

"Have you finally decided to come back to me?" be asked, caressing my arm.

"I will never come back to you." I snapped before grabbing him in a headlock and breaking his neck.

"(Y/N), why?" Oliver asked me, astounded.

I walked right past him and ran back to base. I was finally happy that I had taken my revenge, but I knew Oliver would be pissed. I threw my bow on the desk as he walked in, an angry expression on his face.

"Start talking." he said.

"I don't have to explain anything to you." I snapped.

"Yes you do! You killed a man for no reason!" Oliver yelled.

"I have my reasons." I said, turning away from him.

Oliver grabbed my arms, spun me round and said "What at they?"

I shook my head. I didn't want him to know.

"Tell me." He said, gripping me tighter.

His eyes were full of hatred and rage. I shook my head, a tear falling down my face.

Oliver loosened his grip on me slightly and said "I want to help you, but I can't unless you talk to me."

I shook my head furiously and Oliver pulled me into a hug. I pushed away from him. I promised myself that I would never let my emotions out- especially around him.

"You need to talk to me. You can't bottle everything up, it's not good for you." He said, stepping closer to me.

I backed away and said "You can talk! You've blocked everyone you love out, not told them anything about the island!"

"I know, and you can understand why." He said.

"Of course I do, but you can't force me to talk!" I yelled.

Oliver looked at me with cold eyes- I could tell I hurt him, but right now I didn't really care. Before I could react, Oliver had closed the space between us, wrapped his arms around my waist and crashed his lips to mine. I tried to push away, but he pulled me closer. After a few more seconds of resistance, I gave in, flung my arms round his neck and deepened the kiss. I could feel him smile against my lips before kissing me again.

Holy cow! Finally an update! I'm so sorry about the wait. I'll put more stories up today to make up for it.

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