Oneshot 19

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Oliver POV

I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was a little blurry and my head was pounding. I looked around and as my vision cleared, I saw 2 of the most important people to me injured and crying.

"Felicity? Laurel? What's going on?" I asked.

"I'll tell you Oliver." a familiar Australian voice said.

"Slade. I should've known." I growled.

"Yes Oliver. You should have seen this coming, because it is your doing." he said as he walked in front of me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

"You took everything away from me. Now I will do the same." he said.

Before I could react, he was behind the girls, a gun out.

"One will live. One will die. Choose." he said.

My blood ran cold. He was making me choose, just like Fyers had when I was on the island.

"No." I said.

"Choose." Slade barked.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled.

"Choose now or they both die!" he yelled.


Everything stopped as Felicity stood up.

"Felicity, what are you doing?" Laurel asked, tears flowing down her face.

"What does it look like?" she said.

"Please Felicity, don't do this." I begged.

"You're very brave Ms. Smoak." Slade said as he moved in front of her.

She nodded and said "Promise me one thing though."

"Name it." he said.

"Laurel lives if you kill me."

"No!" Laurel and I shouted in unison.

Before either of us could react, Slade pointed his gun at Felicity and fired it into her stomach. She fell to the floor, crying out in pain. Slade tucked his gun away and crouched down next to her.

"By the way, you should know one thing. I promised to destroy Oliver's world completely-and I always keep my promises."

Without warning, he stood up, pointed the gun at Laurel and shot her in the chest. I cried out as she too fell to the ground. I could immediately see she was already dead. Tears fell down my face as I realised they would both die tonight.

"I'll be seeing you soon kid." he said before cutting my binds.

I immediately went to Laurel, but it was too late. She was gone. I placed a kiss on her forehead before moving to Felicity. She had a faint pulse.

"Oh thank god." I whispered.


My head snapped down. Felicity's eyes were open and she was looking right at me. I grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

"Shh. It's OK, I'm here." I said, kissing her hand.

She smiled at me and said "I want you to do something for me after...after I'm gone."

"Don't talk like that." I said.

"No Oliver. Shut up and listen- I know I'm not going to survive, so please kick his ass to hell and back." she said.

I nodded and said "I promise I will."

She smiled and breathed her last breath.

Hi guys! I'm finally back. I apologise for the lack of updates but now my exams are finished, I can upload more. If you have a story request, please send it in and I will do it 😊

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