Oneshot 6 Part 2

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My body froze in fear as he took of his mask and smiled at me. I began to back away slowly so I had an advantage if I had to run.

"Don't be scared." He said.

I just stared at him, frozen in my stance.

"Not much of a talker are you?" he asked, stepping forward.

"Stay away from me!" I yelled.

He smiled and said "She speaks. Darling, just relax and this'll all be over a lot faster."

I immediately spun round and sprinted down the hall. I could hear his footsteps slowly following me. I rounded the corner into Mr Queen's office and, shut the door and locked it. I ran straight into the board room and locked both set of doors. I quickly dived under the table, pulled out my cell phone and dialled Mr Queen's number.

"Hello, who is this?" he asked, slightly annoyed.

"Mr Queen." I said shakily.

"Becca?" he asked.

"Deathstroke- he's here and he wants to hurt me." I stammered out.

"Stay put, I'm coming to get you." He said.

"No, he'll kill you!" I exclaimed.

"This is to do with me. Let me deal with it." He said before hanging up.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and carefully looked out from under the table. I began to tremble in fear as I looked into the eyes of Deathstroke. I scuttled under the table, spun round and crawled to a ventilation duct. I carefully pulled the grate off, crawled in and put the grate back. Not even 10 seconds later, the glass door shattered. I gasped and quietly crept backwards.

"Where are you kitten?" he asked.

I covered my mouth with my hand and silently hoped Mr Queen would get here in time.

"Are you under the table?" he asked, banging his hand on the table.

I slid further back in the hope he wouldn't see me.

"Are you....lying in the vents?"

My blood tuned to ice and my heart began to beat out of my chest. My mouth felt dry and I began to shake. He knew I was here all along and was just toying with me. His boots appeared in front of the vent and I held my breath. He bent down, removed the vent cover and looked inside.

"Hey there." He said, smiling.

I rapidly began scuttling backwards, but he was too fast. He grabbed my jacket and pulled me from the vent.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he asked.

"A scared little girl." A voice said.

I looked behind Deathstroke and saw Miss Rochev.

"Miss Rochev, please help me!"

"Why would I do that?" she asked sweetly.

I began to struggle in his grip as he pulled out a long blade. A small tear fell down my face as he raised his arm.

"Please." I begged.

"Not gonna work sweetheart." He said.

A wave of pain coursed through my body. I looked down and saw the blade going through my stomach. He pulled out the blade and released me. I fell to the floor clutching the wound. I watched them walk out of the room and disappear round the corner. I felt the blood pouring out of me like a waterfall. My vision began to go blurry and I could only just make out a figure in green looking around the room.

"" I croaked out.

He spun round and dropped to his knees beside me.

"Becca, hold on." He said, holding me close.

"Mr Queen?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm right here." He said, caressing my face.

"Can you do something for me?" I asked weakly.

"Anything." He replied.

"My daughter. She's only 6 months old and she'll be without a family." I said.

"What about her father?" he asked.

"He abandoned us." I said.

"I'll take care of her. I promise." He replied, cupping my face.

"Thank you." I said.

I stared into his eyes and saw something I hadn't seen for years. Love. I felt myself slip away as he cried out my name.

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