Oneshot 7

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I sat down at my desk, hoping that the day would go by faster so I could go home and see my loving wife and son. A knock at my office door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in." I said.

"Mr. Merlyn, the reports you requested." Ava said as she places them on my desk.

"Thank you Ava. Why don't you go home and have some time to yourself. I'll be OK." I said.

She nodded before walking out, gathering her things and leaving. I quickly got back to sorting out some finances. Before I knew it, it was 10pm. I sighed, shut down my computer and stood up to leave.


I pulled out my phone and saw it was Rebecca. I quickly answered it.

"I'm so sorry honey. I lost track of time. I'm coming home now." I stuttered out.

"Malcolm...I'm in trouble." she said weakly.

"Where are you?" I asked, urgency in my voice.

"The Glades...please come quick. I..."

The line went dead. I flung my phone to the floor in a fit of rage, ran out of my office, out of the building and into the street. I had to hurry- Rebecca was counting on me.

"Rebecca!" I yelled out as I ran through a deserted street in The Glades.

"Malcolm! I'm over here!" she yelled.

I spun in the direction of her voice and ran like I never ran before. I suddenly heard something I didn't want to hear.


I kept running until I saw a figure on the floor. My entire world crumbled around me as I saw it was Rebecca. I collapsed to the floor next to her. She had a bullet in her head, blood on her face and her eyes were glassed over. I pulled her into my arms and began to cry.

"No Rebecca, no. You can't leave me." I begged, holding her closer.

Tears fell down my face as it sunk in- she wasn't coming back. Tommy would be without a mother and I would be without a wife. When I tell him, he'll be crushed. I suddenly knew what I had to do.

"Don't worry, my love. I promise you that I will care for Tommy and protect him as long as I live. Nothing will hurt him again." I said as I looked at her.

I brushed a stand of hair from her face before continuing "I will make this city safe again. I will stop at nothing to save those who are drowning in the pit of crime and despair. All in your name."

I slowly placed her on the ground, kissed her forehead and ran back home. After freshening up, I heard a knock at the door. It was the police. They told me what I already knew, but I still cried. They kept telling me they were sorry, but they didn't know anything. As soon as they left and I shut the door, Tommy appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Daddy, what's happening?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey buddy. What's wrong?" I asked, pulling him into a hug.

"Where's mommy?" he asked me.

I sighed and said "She can't be with us anymore, so I'm going to a place where I can learn to protect you."

"Please don't go." he said, tears coming down his face.

I pulled him into another hug and said "I'm sorry Tommy, but I have to."

"At least wait until we say goodbye to mommy." he begged.

I nodded and said "OK buddy. I'll stay so we can say goodbye."

He pulled out of the hug and asked"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

"Of course I can." I said before leading him into his room.

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