Oneshot 9

907 17 3

Written for Marygaby2564. Hope you like it!

Bella's POV

Oliver and I are suiting up. We have a lead on the base of operations for Vertigo. I tucked my Chinese ring daggers into their holders and put my mask on.

"You ready?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah. Let's end this." I replied.

Oliver turned to Diggle and asked "You ok to back is up in case it goes south?"

He nodded and we all left our base and ran all the way to the location. When we arrived, I saw it was an asylum. Oliver and I went through the front door while Dig went round the back. We walked through the dark halls in comfortable silence until Oliver stopped me.

"What is it?" I whispered.

He pointed into a room 10ft away. There was a man standing next to a chair and stacked on the wall behind him was lots of Vertigo.

"We have to destroy the Vertigo before it gets out into the city." I said.

Oliver nodded and said "You go right and cut off the other exit. I'll go in this way."

I nodded and went down the hallway. I heard a floorboard creak behind me, so I quickly notched an arrow and pulled back the drawstring. I spun round to find nobody there. Before I could do anything else, something hit my head and everything went black.

Oliver's POV

"Dr Webb, you have failed this city!" I said as I loaded my bow and aimed it straight at his heart.

"How did you find me?" he asked, fear creeping onto his features.

"My associate analysed the Vertigo and found a large dose of a medical drug. The only places it could have been from was Glades Memorial or here." I explained.

"You're good. I saw what Vertigo could do and realised its potential. So, I tweaked the recipe a little and came up with this." he said, holding up a small vial.

I quickly fired an arrow and it lodged itself into one of the Vertigo containers.

"You missed." he said sarcastically.

He suddenly rushed at me and I was knocked to the ground. I must have fallen unconscious because when I opened my eyes, I was tied up to the chair. I tried to break free, but the rope was tighter than I thought.

"Don't struggle. It'll only make it more painful." he said as he grabbed my face.

My eyes widened as I saw the Vertigo leave the vial and fall into my mouth. I try to spit it out, but some of it still slipped down my throat. I could immediately feel the effects. My vision went blurry and I began to see things.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he asks me as he backs up.

I stare at him with cold eyes. He simply smirks and walks out of the room, right to where Bella was. I began to struggle more as I knew if I didn't get to her, she'd get hurt and I couldn't let that happen. I finally managed to release one hand, so I pulled out the detonator for the explosive arrow I shot earlier. I pushed the button and all the containers exploded. The explosion sent the chair flying and I landed on the floor. I sat up, fished out the antidote Felicity concocted and administered it. The side affects immediately dissipated.

"Oliver!" a voice yelled.

I turned round and saw Dig. I smirked and said "What took you so long?"

He smiled and helped me up after I'd released my other arm. I grabbed my bow from the floor and ran in the direction Dr Webb went. When I ran through the door, I was met with a sight I hoped I'd never see- Bella with a gun to her head.

"Let her go!" I yelled.

"You're very impressive. To survive a dosage like that and to not experience any side affects is unheard of." he said.

I simply held up the empty cure syringe. His face contorted in anger and he shoved the gun further into her temple. I quickly loaded my bow with 3 arrows and aimed them straight at him.

"Let her go!" I yelled.

Before anyone could react, Bella pulled out one of her ring knives and stabbed it into his leg. He released his grip on her just enough for her to get away. I fired the arrows as the gun went off. 2 arrows missed, but one landed in his chest. He fell to the floor and stopped breathing.

"Oliver." I heard her whisper.

I turned to her and saw she was bleeding. I immediately scooped her up into my arms and carried her all the way back to base. I sat her on the medical table and prepared the supplies.

"Oliver, I'm really OK. It just grazed me." she said as she took off her mask.

"I still want to clean it up." I replied as I turned round, wound cleaning kit in hand.

She sighed and took off her jacket and shirt. The bullet had grazed her right side. 2 more inches to the left and it could have been a lot worse. I quickly cleaned and dressed her wound. She immediately put on an oversized hoodie and wrapped her arms around herself.

"Thanks Ollie." she said, kissing me on the cheek before jumping off the table and walking away.

I suddenly felt sparks got through my body. I knew I had feelings for Bella, but I didn't imagine they'd be this strong.

"Bella, wait." I said.

She turned round and asked "What's wrong?"

Before I could even think about what I was doing, I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my lips onto hers. She immediately kissed back and grabbed my biceps. This made me pull her closer to me and deepen the kiss. After a few minutes of absolute heaven, we pulled apart.

"Bella, I love you so much and I always have." I said.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" she asked.

"To be honest, I didn't think you liked me back." I replied.

She cupped my cheek with her hand and asked "Why would you think that?"

I shrugged. I honestly didn't know. Bella was strong, fierce and beautiful and I never wanted to lose her.

"I love you too Ollie, and don't ever forget that."

Hi guys. Hope you are enjoying my little book of Arrow awesomeness. Updates may be slower for the next month due to exams, but still send in your requests and I will do them when I can.

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