Oneshot 8 Part 1

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Written for abrebre. I hope you like it!

(Y/N)= your name

Oliver's POV

I watched Felicity walk out of the apartment and out of my life. I regret not telling her about William sooner. I sigh, pulled out my phone and called the one person I knew would listen.

"Hey Ollie, everything OK?" (Y/N) asked.

"Not really, no." I replied.

"What happened?" she asked, concern etched into her voice.

"Felicity and I broke up." I said.

"Oh Ollie. I'm so sorry. Do you want to have some coffee so we can talk about it?" she asked.

"That'd be great." I replied.

"I'll see you at our usual place in 10 minutes." she said before hanging up.

I smiled, grabbed my coat and left the apartment. (Y/N) And I had been friends for years and she was always there if I needed to talk. I smiled as I sat down at our usual table. I waited for 5 minutes....10 minutes....15 minutes. After 20 minutes, I pull out my phone and called her.

"Hey this is (Y/N), leave me a message..." the voicemail said.

I stuffed my phone into my pocket and ran out of the coffee shop. I sprinted down the street to her house. If something happened to her, I'd never forgive myself. I skidded to a halt outside her house and saw the front door was broken down. I went inside and saw everything was broken and there was blood on the floor.

To be continued

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