Family Ties

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Dedicated to Lailbt77

Mick Rory POV

I sat on my bike waiting for Lucy to get out of college. I hadn't seen her for years because I was in jail. As soon as she walked out and saw me, her eyes lit up. She ran down the stairs and flew into my open arms. We hugged for what seemed like forever before she pulled away.

"When the hell did you get out?" she asked.

"This morning." I replied.

"Let me guess, you and Len broke out?" I asked.

He nodded and said "I'll explain everything when we get back to your place. Hop on."

Lucy POV

We got back to my apartment and I wasn't surprised to find the one and only Leonard Snart passed out on my couch. I crept over, ducked behind the back of the couch and waited. Mick walked round to check he was unarmed before giving me a nod. I smirked before jumping up and screaming loudly.

"What the fuck?" he yelled, jumping up and spinning round.

"Welcome home Len." I said, a grin plastered on my face.

He ran round to me and swept me off my feet. I held onto him tightly as he spun me round and laughed uncontrollably. When he put me down, he kept a hold of my forearms and looked at me as if I was a different person.

"I missed you so much." he said.


We broke apart and I went to the kitchen so I could grab a beer for them both. Sadly, when I opened the fridge, there was no beer in sight.

"Ah shit. Guys, we're out of beer. I'm gonna go grab some from the store." I yelled.

I grabbed my purse off the counter and left the apartment before either of them could say a word.

30 minutes and a handful of mini arguments later, I was on my way back. I texted Mick as I left the store so he wouldn't start a manhunt. All of a sudden, I got the feeling I was being followed. I quickly text Len and Mick:

Hey guys,

I think I'm being followed. Meet me at the place where I broke my leg.

I picked up the pace a little, turned into a side street and looked behind me. A man dressed in all black was in hot pursuit of me. I immediately began to run, dropping the cases of beer in the process. Just as I was about to make it to the main road, someone wrapped their arms around me and yanked me backwards.

"No, let me go!" I yelled.

I kicked, screamed, punched and clawed at the attacker but it was no use.

"Boss, I got her. Evac now!" the man said.

Suddenly, a black van screeched to a halt at the end of the street and the door opened. The last thing I remember was being thrown in the van before everything went black.

Mick POV

Len and I ran round the room frantically, trying to get everything together. I just hoped we'd get there in time.

"Len, you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah." he replied.

We ran out the back way and followed the tracking device in Lucy's phone until we reached a side street. In the distance, I saw her being hauled into a van.

"Hey!" I yelled running at them.

The thugs turned round and started coming towards us. Len and I looked at each other before turning back to them and hitting them with our fire and ice guns. They all went down and didn't get back up.

"Go Mick, I'll make sure they won't bother us." Len said.

I nodded and ran to the van. Lucy was lying there unconscious and there was blood around her nails. She obviously tried to fight back. I smiled to myself- that's the little fireball I know.

"How is she?" Len asked as he ran up beside me.

"She's out cold." I said.

Len scooped her up in his arms and we quickly got back to her apartment. As soon as we were safely inside, Len lay her on the couch and covered her with a blanket. He knelt beside her and stared at her longingly.

"You like her don't you?" I asked.

He nodded and said "Yeah. More than anything."

I nodded and said "You can date her, but if she gets hurt I'll break your neck. Clear?"

Len nodded and replied "Totally clear."

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