Hidden Agenda

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Dedicated to bigbooi5. I hope this is the imagine you wanted and I apologise it took so long to publish.

Black Siren POV

I couldn't focus on my task. Robert kept staring at me. He thinks I don't see him, but I do. He's a nice guy, but I knew if I got too attached, it would end badly.

"Alright you sorry shits! Gather round!" Diaz shouted as he strode out of his office.

I begrudgingly got up and made my way over to him. As soon as we were all there, he smiled.

"Well then, you know what I'm gonna say."

We all stayed deathly quiet as we knew if we said anything, we'd be killed.

Diaz nodded before screaming "You stupid shits lost the Green Arrow again! That man should be dead and buried by now!"

"We're sorry sir." someone said sarcastically.

I turned my head and saw Robert standing like he didn't want to be there. I inwardly sighed- this guy was going to get himself killed one day.

"Excuse me?" Diaz asked, walking right into his personal space.

"I said we're sorry, sir." he replied, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Without warning, Diaz punched him in the gut and he doubled over in pain. I wished I could help him, but that would make Diaz even more pissed off.

"Disrespect me like that again and you'll end up in a box, got it?" he snarled.

Robert nodded and Diaz strode back to his office, slamming the door behind him. Cayden and I immediately walked over.

"You OK?" Cayden asked.

Robert simply nodded.

"Let's get you home." I said, wrapping an arm round him.

"No, I have to complete my mission." he said, standing up straight.

I sighed and said "Fine, as long as I come too."

"I can't let you do that." he snapped.

"Well tough, I'm coming and you can't stop me."

I sat him down in a chair and left the room. I quickly got changed and came back out. I stopped in my tracks as I saw Cayden and Robert talking. I crossed to them and put my hands on their shoulders. They immediately jumped and spun round.

"Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me." Robert said.

"Sorry." I said as I sat down.

Both men continued to stare at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked.

"No." Robert said.

They looked at each other and Cayden nodded.

Robert turned to me and said "We're planning to assassinate Diaz."

"I can't believe you talked me into this." I grumbled.

We were crouching behind a bunch of crates in a warehouse where Diaz was supposed to make a deal.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." I whispered.

Cayden put his hand on my shoulder and said "Me too, but I know we will succeed."

I looked at him and smiled. It never ceased to amaze me how positive Cayden was, even in the direst of situations.

"Heads up." Robert said.

We turned our heads and sure enough, there was Diaz. 

"Masks on." I said.

We all pulled on our masks and got into position. I looked to Cayden and he nodded. It was time. We came out of hiding, quickly took out the guards and surrounded Diaz. He smiled and circled round, looked at all of us and smiled.

"Well, well, well. I don't believe we've met." he said.

I tapped my voice scrambler and said "No we haven't, but you hurt people we care about."

He put his hand on his chest in mock hurt and sarcastically said "Awh, that's sad. But trust me, whoever I hurt- they deserved it."

Robert suddenly lunged forward, pulled out his katana and began fighting Diaz. I pulled out my sai knives and sliced Diaz's back. He cried out before spinning round and punching me in the face.

"Don't touch her!" Robert yelled.

Before I could react, Robert drove a knife through Diaz's abdomen. He spat out blood before collapsing to the ground.


I was lying in bed, nursing a swollen jaw and one hell of a headache when I heard a knock at my door. I crawled out of bed and made my way to the door. I looked through my peep hole and saw Robert. I sighed before opening the door.

"Hey Robert." I said.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm doing ok." I replied.

He sighed before asking "Do you mind if I come in?"

I stepped aside and he walked in. I quickly locked the door and led him into the kitchen.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me as we sat around the island.

I shrugged and said "I'm OK I guess."

He took my hands and I looked him in the eye. I could tell he knew I wasn't OK. I sighed and decided to vent my feelings.

"Listen, what you did for me back there- it was really stupid but...I'm greatful. Even if you didn't put him down for good tonight, it shows that we mean business. Next time we will succeed." I said.

He nodded and replied "That we will."

I smiled and said "Listen, I'd love to stay and chat but I'm going to bed. I have one hell of a headache and I'd like to get rid of it before tomorrow."

He nodded so I made my way to my room. I was surprised to see he was following me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He stepped into my room, shut the door and said "Protecting you of course."

I rolled my eyes as I climbed into bed and pulled the covers tight against me. I didn't react as I felt the bed dip beside me as I knew who it was and I was totally comfortable with it.

Maybe getting close to him wasn't such a bad idea.

Hi guys! I'm so sorry for taking so long to update. I should be able to post more regularly again. If you have any requests just let me know.

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