Oneshot 16

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Dedicated to SnartMiniMarshmellow. Hope you like it!

Tommy POV

My eyes snapped open and I looked around. Oliver had left. I sat up and took the prosthetic off my chest. I must admit, it was more convincing than I thought it would be. I got to my feet and made a hasty exit. I hadn't even gone 10 paces away from the building when it completely collapsed.

"That was close." I muttered to myself.

I walked in the shadows of the streets until I reached her apartment. Looking up at the window, I could see her crying. My heart broke in two at that moment. I had done this to her-and I needed to fix it. I crossed the road, climbed up the drainpipe and knocked on the window.

"Laurel, open up." I said.

Her head snapped up and her eyes widened in shock. I smiled as she rushed to the window and opened it.

"Hey baby, can I come in?" I asked.

She stepped back and I climbed in. She immediately threw her arms around me and crashed her lips onto mine. I kissed back, snaking my arms around her waist. After a few minutes, we pulled apart.

"I thought you were dead. The building collapsed and..." she began.

I cut her off and said "I got out. That's all that matters."

She nodded and pulled me into another hug.

"Listen, how about we get out of the city and start over?" I asked.

She broke the hug, looked at me and nodded.

"Pack up your things. We'll get the next flight out from Central City." I said.

Laurel POV

I couldn't believe it. Tommy was alive and he wants me to come with him and start again. How could I not say yes? I ran round my room, packing everything important and valuable. After 2 hours, everything was ready. I walked into the kitchen and wrote a note to my father.


I can't stay here, not after this. I need some time to myself. Don't try to find me. I promise I'll contact you soon. I love you daddy.

- L

I placed the note on the table and grabbed my bags. I locked up my apartment and went down to the car. Thankfully, the road to Central City wasn't damaged, so we could leave without any problems. I put my things in the car and got into the passenger seat. Tommy took my hand and we drove off into the night, ready for our next adventure.

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