Oneshot 6 Part 3

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Oliver's POV

"Becca, no, stay with me!" I yelled, shaking her.

I quickly activated my earpiece.

"Diggle, I'm bringing Becca back with me. She's hurt." I said as I scooped her up in my arms.

"What happened man?" he asked me.

"Slade. She was hiding from him, but he found her and stabbed her." I replied.

"Oh my god." He said.

"Get the medical kit ready." I snapped before disconnecting the line.

I walked out of Queen Consolidated and into an alley. I maneuvered through the dark areas of town until I reached the back entrance of the base. I kicked the door open, raced to where John was and lay her down on the table.

"Man, this doesn't look good." He said to me as he assessed her injuries.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She's bleeding heavily. There could be organ damage or internal bleeding. She doesn't have good odds." he replied.

"I don't care! You need to help her now! There's something I need to do." I snapped.

"She is your priority right now man!" he yelled.

"She has a 6 month old daughter. If I don't get to her now, Slade surely will." I said before walking out.

After 10 minutes of jumping across rooftops, I reached Becca's house. I used my lock pick and entered her house. I searched the house until I reached the last upstairs room. I opened the door and saw her child sleeping. I got closer and saw she looked so much like Becca. I went round her room collecting some clothes, blankets, toys and other supplies so they would be comfortable in the base. After packing everything in the bag, I slung it over my shoulder, wrapped the baby up in her blanket and scooped her up in my arms.

"Oliver, can you hear me?" Dig asked.

"Loud and clear." I replied.

"Becca's stable. She's going to be fine." He said.

I sighed in relief before heading back. As soon as I walked in, Dig took the baby and the stuff so he could set up. I walked over to Becca. She was unconscious, but I knew no harm would come to her again as long as I live.

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