Oneshot 2- (Oliver's POV)

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I looked at Felicity and smiled. I was finally engaged to the woman that I loved. Suddenly, 2 cars blocked us in at the junction. H.I.V.E. operatives jumped out and surrounded us. Bullets began to tear through the limousine, so I grabbed Felicity and protected her with my body. After a few minutes, I realised if we didn't get away from the operatives, we would die. I quickly jumped into the front seat, moved the dead driver out the way and slammed my foot on the gas. We sped away, leaving the operatives in the dust. When I was sure we were far enough away, I stopped the limo, jumped out and ran to the back door. I ripped it off its hinges and saw Felicity. Blood was seeping from a wound in her back. I grabbed her, pulled her out of the car and lay her in my arms.

"Felicity, stay with me." I said.

"You got it." She croaked out as she opened her eyes.

"Hey, save your strength." I said, caressing her face.

"Oliver, I want you to promise me something." She said.

"No, don't talk like that. You're going to be fine." I said, tears falling down my face.

"No, Oliver. Listen to me. I want you to promise me one thing." She said.

"Anything." I replied.

"Take Darhk down." She said.

"I will. I promise." I said.

She smiled and I pressed my lips to hers. She immediately kissed back. A few seconds later, I felt her go limp. I broke the kiss and looked at her. She was gone. I shook my head viciously and began to rock her back and forth.

"No, Felicity. Don't leave me." I whispered.

Suddenly, someone appeared at my side. I looked up to see one of Star City's finest medical professionals.

"My name's Jess. I'm here to help." She said as she put her equipment down.

"It's too late. She's dead." I said.

"I need to check her over. Can I do that?" she asked.

I slowly nodded my head as I placed her on the ground. Jess immediately began to check Felicity over. A few minutes later, she turned around to face me.

"I am truly sorry Mr. Mayor, she's gone."

I sank to my knees beside Felicity's lifeless body and began to cry. Jess placed a hand on my shoulder as I cupped Felicity's face with my hand. I had lost my one true love and there was no way to get her back. It was then I realised that Darhk had broken me.

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