Oneshot 18

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This story will follow Maria Roberts-an ARGUS agent with a secret.

Maria POV

"Agent Roberts, are you listening?" Agent Diggle asked.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"Well, what did I just say?" he asked.

"You and I will infiltrate the building from the front, while Agents Bailey and Sampson will enter from the back to ensure the target doesn't escape." I said.

"And the target is?" he asked.

"My apologies sir, but I missed that piece of information." I said.

He stared at me before saying "The target is Malcolm Merlyn."

My heart dropped. My father was going to die if I didn't do anything. My nerves built up more and more until we stopped.

"Let's move out." Diggle said.

I followed Diggle until he stopped.

"Sir, is everything OK?" I asked.

Without warning, I was pinned to a nearby tree with Diggle right up in my face.

"Merlyn's your father. Why didn't you tell us?" he asked.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Records check. Now tell me, why?" he asked.

"Why do you think? I'd be attacked before I could say ARGUS." I replied.

"You're right. I apologise." he said, releasing me.

"Listen, let me go in first. He trusts me. Besides, I can't stand going in there and arresting my own father." I said.

He nodded, pulled out his radio and switched it on.

"Standby everyone. We move in 10."

I ran back to the van and got changed. I jumped out and ran to the front door. I took a breath before opening the door and walking in.

"Dad, you home?" I shouted out.

"Maria, I wasn't expecting you." he said.

I turned round and saw him walking down the stairs. I smiled and pulled him into a hug as soon as he moved into the hall.

"I missed you." I said.

"I missed you too." he said as we pulled apart.

Before I could react, my team stormed the house. Instinctively, dad pushed me behind him and gripped my forearm.

"Malcolm Merlyn, on the ground now!" Bailey yelled.

"You too lady!" Sampson yelled.

We both put our hands behind our heads and knelt. Both agents saw me and their eyes went wide.

"Agent Roberts?" Bailey asked, confused.

"What are you doing with this monster?" Sampson asked.

"Sampson, enough." Diggle said firmly.

"No. We deserve to know." Bailey said, advancing on me.

"OK, you want to know, fine! He's my dad!" I said.

Suddenly, a loud bang resonated through the hall and waves of pain coursed through my body. 2 more gunshots rang out before I blacked out.

***the next day***

I slowly opened my eyes. I was in hospital. I looked around and saw my father and Agent Diggle. I coughed lightly and they immediately raced to my side.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" dad asked me.

"I'm in a bit of pain. What happened?" I asked.

"Bailey shot you. Then Sampson tried to kill Malcolm but missed. I killed them both." Diggle said.

"They didn't hurt you, did they dad?" I asked, gripping his hand.

"No, I'm OK." he said.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Corto Maltese. We had to run otherwise Waller would've killed us all." Diggle said.

"You mean..." I began.

"We can never go back to Starling." Diggle said.

I sighed.

"I'll leave the two of you to talk." dad said, turning and walking out of the room.

I looked at the door, confused. Why would Agent Diggle and I need to talk. I turned to him and saw something in his eyes that I didn't recognise.

"Mr Diggle, I..."

He cut me off and said "Please, call me John."

I nodded and said "OK John. What's going on?"

He sat down next to my bed, took my hand and said "I thought I lost you."

I looked at him, confusion etched on my face. Before I could reply, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I placed my hand on his neck and deepened the kiss. After a few blissful moments, we pulled apart.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." he said.

I smiled and said "To be honest, I have too."

We smiled at each other and out of the corner of my eye, I saw dad standing in the doorway, watching us with a happy expression on his face.

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