Broken Heart

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Dedicated to LMN1228

Star POV

After a long day at work, I was so ready to just collapse on the couch with Ollie and watch movies until we fell asleep. We'd been dating for 2 years now and I've loved every second of it. When I finally got back, I was expecting him to be home, waiting for me with open arms. What I wasn't expecting to see was Felicity sitting on the worktop, legs around his waist, furiously making out with him.

"What the hell?" I yelled.

Oliver whipped round and his eyes went as wide as saucers.

"Star, baby. It's not what it looks like." he said.

"That's bullshit Oliver and you know it!" I shouted.

He moved away from Felicity, placed his hands on my arms and said "Please believe me when I say this-what you saw was nothing. I love you and only you."

I shook my head, stepped away and said "Well it sure doesn't look like it. We're done."

He tried to grab me, but I shot back and said "No. I hope you two are happy together, but just know I'll never forgive you for this."

I quickly ran out of our apartment, down the stairs and into the street. My head was spinning and I couldn't think straight. The 2 things I knew were on my mind were:

1. My heart had been broken- again

2. I needed to vent to someone

So I pulled out my phone and called my closest friend.

Diggle POV

I looked at my phone and saw Star was calling. I smiled and returned her call.

"Well look who it is- my bright and shining Star." I said, smiling.

She chuckled lightly and said "Hey Dig."

She sounded deflated so I asked "Is everything OK?"

"Can I come over?" she immediately asked.

I knew it was bad, so I immediately said yes and as soon as she hung up, I prepared the guest bedroom so she could stay the night.

Ding dong

I went to my front door and opened it. The sight in front of me made my heart ache. It was Star- she had tear streaks down her face and her eyes were puffy. I opened my arms and she immediately flew into them. I wrapped her into a tight embrace and held her as fresh tears poured out of her beautiful eyes. I don't know how I managed it, but I picked her up bridal style and shut the front door in one fluid motion. I carried her to the sofa and we just sat there for ages, comfortable in each other's embrace.

"Please tell me what's wrong Star- I hate to see you like this." I said, cupping her cheek and tilting her head up.

"It's Oliver. I saw him kissing Felicity. Now before you say I'm over reacting, he practically had her hanging off him and it looked like they were having a serious match of tonsil tennis." I vented.

"You're not overreacting at all. Oliver's being a jerk. He doesn't realise what he's just lost." I said.

"What did he lose?" she asked.

I internally sighed. Sometimes she could be so blind. She is the most brave, beautiful, smart and caring woman I'd met in my life-giving and she doesn't even realise it.

"Oliver lost the most amazing woman ever. And I'll bet he'll come running back when..."

I was suddenly cut off by Star saying "I don't want him to run back to me. I don't want him anymore."

I stared into her eyes and I could see a spark that wasn't there before and I recognised it- love. I never thought she'd feel the same way. For years, I kept quiet when they were dating and I knew that one day, he would break her heart. Unfortunately I was right.

"Good choice. He's no good for you anyway." I said.

She nodded and said "Damn right."

We both laughed a little and I finally felt like it was the right time to do this, so I gripped her face a little tighter and placed my lips on hers. She immediately kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck. I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her impossibly close, deepening the kiss. We eventually pulled away and I stared into her eyes.

"I love you so much Star. I always have." I said.

"I love you too. Now and always."

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