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Dedicated to rileyfury413

Melissa POV

"Dinner's ready!" I shouted.

I heard 3 sets of thundering footsteps come down the stairs and into the dining room. I quickly finished serving my authentic Italian-style spaghetti carbonara and took the dishes through. I walked in and saw my 2 beautiful children and my darling husband  sitting there, patiently waiting.

"Honestly Ollie, you are such a big kid. I could hear you running for the dining room more than I could hear the twins." I said as I put the plates down.

He laughed and said "Don't I know it."

Ever since I moved to Starling City and met Ollie, my life has never been better. I haven't had to worry about any villains trying to kill me every 5 minutes. The one downside is I rarely get to see my sister Kara. We try and meet up regularly, but it always gets pushed back for whatever reason. I shook off all of these thoughts and sat down so I could enjoy a meal with my family.

"So kids, how was school today?" I asked.

"Miss Wills got us mixed up again." Maria said.

"Yeah, and she tried to tell us we were wrong." Lucy added.

I sighed and said "She can't keep doing this. I'll talk to her tomorrow and set the record straight."

Ollie smiled and said "Don't bite her head off honey."

I laughed, looked to the twins and said "Only if the girls are OK with it."

Suddenly, Lucy let out a sneeze. But what shocked us the most was that laser beams shot out of her eyes. I ducked under the table just as they sailed past me and destroyed a vase. I got back up and looked at her, smiling.

"You have powers!" I exclaimed.

"Just like you?" she asked.

"Just like me." I replied.

"What about me mommy?" Maria asked, sadness filling her voice.

"I can feel power coursing through your veins. I know it'll come to the surface soon." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder.

Ollie POV

As Melissa talked to Maria, I spotted Lucy sneaking behind her. I immediately knew what she was going to do- she was going to scare her and see if it activates her powers. She spots me looking at her and I nod my head. She crept behind Maria's chair, waited for a few seconds and jumped out.

Maria screamed and flew into the air- literally. I watched her fly up to the ceiling before coming back down to the ground with a thud. I looked to Melissa and we both knew we had a challenging few years ahead of us.

6 months later- Melissa POV

Ollie and I decided that it would be best if we took the twins to National City so Kara could help us train them. Yes they were only 6, but if we don't act fast, they'll end up going rogue. Over the past few months, we have discovered they have the following powers:

Maria= Flight, accelerated healing, heightened vision

Lucy= Laser eyes, heightened strength, super speed

Ollie and I also have been teaching them basic self defence. As they get older, we'll teach them more. I know that eventually, bad people will find out about the twins and want to use them for their own personal gain. 

"Mommy, watch me!"

I looked up from my diary and saw Lucy running round the room like the Flash and Maria was flying round the rafters. I put my diary down and flew up beside her.

"Look at us mommy!" Maria said.

I smiled and said "We look amazing, don't we?"

She nodded before tapping me on the shoulder and saying "You're it!"

I smiled as she flew off.

"Oh, you're gonna get it now!" I said, flying after her.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this little story. If anyone has any requests, let me know and I will try to do them :P

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