Chapter 19 - Jealous of a Physiotherapist.

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Maya's P.O.V.

I woke up to the bright  light shining in my eyes. Groaning, I got up to see what the fuck was happening.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" Virat exclaimed, half naked, and I rubbed my eyes to see if this was a dream.

"What.. what time is it?" I asked, half asleep.

"1pm, sweetheart. You sleep to much." He sighed. 

"Are you still drunk?" I asked.

"Maybe!" He smiled.

All of a sudden, the doorbell rang. Me and Virat quickly looked at each other, as if we were to scream.

"Shit shit shit." I jumped out of bed, took of my pyjama top and threw on some random one that was on the floor.

"That's my top!" He groaned.

"I don't really care, get one of my brothers out of my wardrobe." I said and the doorbell rang again.

I threw some of my brothers clothes at him, and ran downstairs to answer the door.

"Hey!" I smiled as I opened the door to Yuvi and Tia.

"Hey Maya!" Tia said and hugged me.

"See Tia, I told you we should have waited another hour, this one was still asleep. It's practically evening time." He laughed.

We sat down on my sofa, and started talking about random shit. Virat came walking down the stairs, and Tia and Yuvi looked at each other , looked at me and then looked at Virat.


"What the hell?" Yuvi exclaimed. "Virat what have you done?"

"Yuvi, it's seriously not what it looks like." I awkwardly chuckled.

"Not what it looks like? You took ages to answer the door, Virat has just come down stairs, you're wearing Virat's top!" He exclaimed.

"You spent the night here?" Tia asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Uh, yeah." Virat mumbled, and Yuvi groaned.

"Fucking hell man." Yuvi held his head in his hands. "Please tell me nothing happened."

"Seriously, Yuvi. Nothing happened. Virat just got drunk and I couldn't send him home like that." I laughed.

"I would have killed you if you did anything Virat. Best friend or not!" He smiled. "Maya is my sister now. You do anything to her, I'll kill you." He innocently said.

"Dude, chill. All I did was have one too many to drink." Virat rolled his eyes and sat next to me on the sofa.

"Care to explain why you're wearing Virat's top then?" Yuvi asked.

"You rang the doorbell, and it was literally the closest thing to me, so I just put it on." I shrugged.

"So.. you slept in the same bed?"

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