Chapter 31 - When the Realisation Had Hit.

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Before you read this, check out my new book, Arranging Fate. Love you all❤️

Virat's P.O.V.

I woke up to Maya shoving me in the side.

"What the hell are you doing?" I groaned, half asleep.

"I want water." She whispered.

"Here, have this." I groaned again and handed her a glass that was on my bedside table.

"Ew! That's yours! It's got your germs on and you-"

She stopped talking when I pushed the glass infront of her face, making her shut up and drink the water.

"Here." She said once she had finished the drink. I placed the glass back on the table, and I sat up.

"You okay now?" I rubbed my eyes and asked Maya.

"What happened?" She asked, tears in her eyes. "I know what happened, but I don't. All I can remember is the... is when he... touched m.. he touched me."

She couldn't even get her words out.

"Yes, Maya, he did." I sighed. I explained everything to her that she couldn't remember, and when I had finished, she burst out into tears, and she had been crying for ages now. Her head was on my chest, and she had quite a grip on me.

"Stop crying now, Maya. We need to get ready. We've got to go to the station, the hospital, and Anil sir wants to meet with us privately today." I said softly, and she nodded, and silently got up, making her way towards my bathroom. "You need a towel?" I chuckled, and she face palmed herself before nodding. I walked to a cupboard in my bathroom, got out a spare toothbrush, and got a towel for Maya. When I turned around, I saw something I did not expect to see.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, covering my eyes.

"I needed a pee!" She exclaimed. She was sitting on the toilet, with the sweat pants I gave her last night at her ankles.

"Get out, pervert." She exclaimed. But I was in here first? Was this girl still drunk? Shaking my head, I left her stuff by the sink, and left the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

After what seemed a decade, she finally came out of the bathroom, in the clothes that I gave her last night.

"Do I have to wear these clothes?"She asked, and I shook my head.

"Good job your best friend Mr Kohli over here sent his driver to your apartment so Ricky could pack you some clothes for the day." I smiled at her, and she just gave me a small smile in return, whilst taking the bag off me, and heading back in the bathroom to get changed.

When would that big smile of hers come back? I sat on the bed, waiting for her to come out.

She came back out, and she was literally wearing a smaller version of what I gave her. Nike sweats, and a jumper that matched the bottoms.

"So much difference." I laughed and she shrugged. She tied her hair up in a pony tail, and stared at herself in the mirror for a few minutes.

"All okay?" I asked. She shook her head. Way to go, Virat. Does she look like she's okay?

"If I didn't go to that bar, none of this would have happened." Tears started streaming down her cheeks.

"Maya, you can't blame all of this on yourself." I tried to comfort her, but it was no use.

"I don't want to go out." She vigorously shook her head, and sat on my bed.

"Maya, come on. You have to. If you don't go to the police station, they might let him be free again." I convinced her.

"I can trust you, right?" She sniffed, and I smiled, and nodded at her.

"You can trust me with all of your heart." I smiled at her.

1 Week Later

The day after the incident, me and Maya went to the police station, she gave in a statement, and I had to too, even Joel and John had to. I guess they needed all the evidence they could get their hands on. We went to the hospital too, and the results came back, quick. She was okay. I thanked the heavens, I couldn't be able to deal with it if the results came back saying she was HIV positive.

We also went to see Anil sir, in his office. There was bad news and good news. The good news for her was that they were not going to force her to work after what had happened. She could come back to work when she wanted to, when she felt safe again. And the bad news, well, the only bad news was for me. I wouldn't be seeing Miss Punjabi at training everyday, sucks, I know, but I was glad that BCCI were making her feel comfortable in awkward situations like this.

But since that day last week, she has not left her door. Not even to go to Harjit's or Yuvi's. There was one thing I was grateful for though. She trusted me, with all of her heart, and I couldn't let her down anytime soon. I protected her, and she stood by my side. She wasn't even talking to her own brother much, yet she was always talking to me. But the way she was talking, it wasn't the same as before. She used to be so careless, so fun. Now, she was always on edge. Like anything could happen, any minute, anywhere. Her dad had come, and gone. I never thought the first time I met Maya's father, it would be about something like this. He told me that I should never leave her alone, even if it was for a few minutes. God knows what she was capable of in this state. One thing I knew for sure though, was that Maya's dad loved me. I care about that, because you know, first impressions with your future father in law is important.

I wasn't the only one helping her get through this, but I happened to be the only one who could bring a smile to her miserable face. The whole team helped her too, Rits, Rohit, Yuvi, Tia, they came to her apartment nearly everyday, and checked up on her. She was do damn lucky to have those guys in her life. At the moment, she had Harjit staying nights with her. It was like a shift, a routine. One of the guys or girls would be there in the day, and Yuvi or Harjit or I would stay with her during the night. To others, it probably looked childish, looked like we were taking care of a a baby, but people did not know how vulnerable she was now. I hated seeing her like this. I couldn't see her like this anymore.

Getting up from my couch, I grabbed my keys and left my house. I walked to my R8, and sat in it. I was about to leave, when I got a call, from Maya's brother.

"Kidaan Paaji!" I said when I answered.

"Fucking tired." He sighed. "How long are you going to be? She's with Yuvi."

"10 minutes. Won't be long. Aren't you in England?."

"Yes, idiot I am. She texted me. She's asking for you. Again. The first time she texted me since I left India, and it's about you. Do you know why she wants you?"

"Tell her I'm coming. And, because I'm Virat Kohli, why else?" I chuckled.

"You're an idiot. She wants you Virat, she's fucking falling for you. Can't you see?" He spat out. I was lost for words. Why? How?

"Whatever." I said in return.

"And do you know why you're caring for her so much?" He asked.

"Because she's my best friend and in need of help?"

"Virat Kohli, you are falling in love with Maya Sandhu."

Heyyy I know this chapter is a bit crappy but hey I updated 😂😂😂.

Oh btw, not only was Meant to Be #10 in fanfiction, but we reached 4k reads! What a birthday present for me! 😂❤️

Thank you all so much for the love and support ❤️❤️❤️ -J Xx

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