Chapter 15 - Audi's.

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Maya's P.O.V.

"Yo, Miss Punjabi, come over here." Hardik chuckled.

"Yo, Harry!" I exclaimed and walked to him. "What's up?"

"What if that condom was for you?" He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Are we still talking about that? And seriously, why would he ever go for me. I mean even if I wasn't his coach, he'd probably not look at me twice. Like doesn't he have a girlfriend? Probably some Bollywood actress." I said.

"Girl, you never know what he's thinking." He winked at me.

What if he actually thought that? What if that bloody thing actually was for me?

"You're so weird."

"I know. Oh, and Mahi bhai wanted you, he was with Anil sir and Rahul. Wanted to introduce you to Rahul." He said and before I could ask who Rahul was, he walked off.

Thanks Harry!

I walked over to Mahi and Anil sir, and this random guy. This random guy was kind of good looking. His beard was perfect. He looked a lot like someone, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Maya." Anil sir smiled, and I smiled back. "This is Rahul. Rahul Kohli. He is a coach here, but has been absent for your arrival, so yeah. Me and Mahi are going to discuss a few things for IPL, and we'll leave you two to it!" He smiled and they both walked off.

"Hi." I smiled, and he smirked at me. "I'm Maya."

"Rahul.. naam toh suna hoga."

I looked at him, with a raised eyebrow, like 'really.'

"I'm Rahul, yaar!" He chuckled, when I didn't respond.

"I'm Maya, yaar!" I mimicked his voice.

"I know. Heard a lot about you." He smiled.

"All good things?" I asked.

"Better than you think.." He smirked and paused. "So.."

"So.. Your last name is Kohli? You related to that one?" I asked, and looked over at Virat who was already looking over at us, and was standing with Yuvi.

"Why'd you have to ask that?" He rolled his eyes. "Yes. I am. I am his dad's brothers son. So he's my cousin."

"Oh, right. He never told me about you?" I said, expecting an answer to why he never mentioned anything.

"Probably get jealous." He chucked. "Most girls that comes in his life, literally if anyone talks to her too much, then he's had it. He's very possessive." He laughed.

"Really?" I asked, amused.

I looked back at Virat, who was still looking, and he quickly moved away and started walking to the dugout. What a weirdo.

"Yes. Really. Why?" Rahul asked.

"Nothing. Just had an idea... But you probably won't want to..." I smirked at Rahul and he chuckled.

"You know, I already love your personality." He laughed. "Let's make Virat Kohli jealous." He rubbed his hands together.

"Just like fake laugh." I mumbled, and we did just that.

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