2 - Return

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You: yoo I landed
Blue Jay: I hope you had a good flight (:

I laughed a little at their texts, sending them a "thanks" and a smile emoji. I'd call them when I got settled. Looking up from my phone, I saw my parents trying to hail a cab. Ah, traffic. It's the best. My ears were filled with the bustle of the airport, even though we stood outside. It was music to me to hear the familiar Korean language circulating, and I wondered if I'd ever have to speak English again besides on a call with my friends.

Once we finally got a cab, we were on our way to our apartment. Since my moms job pays well, we're not doing too bad financially. She'd get settled into working within days. My father would start working soon as well, as he's a pretty well known author, and he works from home.

The apartment was comfortable, but had a homey feel about it, and we were on a pretty high floor, looking over the city of Seoul. It was almost 7 PM here, which meant it was around 3 AM over in California. I wondered if Sarah and Jay had stayed up all night waiting for me to text. It was Monday night here right now, so I hoped they wouldn't be sleep deprived for school.

In America, I would be a junior, but here, it's Year 11. Also, it's the end of October. I just recently had my seventeenth birthday on October 3rd. Because of that, we're about halfway through the school year. Unfortunately, that means everyone will know me as the new girl. It might be more uncomfortable for people to recognize me actually. I wouldn't say I've changed much in two years, but I'm definitely not the same.

I didn't do much unpacking that night, just some essentials. It was already getting late, so my mother, father, and I ate a late dinner of takeout, and we hit the hay. After all, I do have to go to school tomorrow.

It's even going to be Tuesday. Everyone will really be looking at me.

I woke up super early that morning. I told my parents I could make it to school on my own. They we're both staying home to unpack, and I wanted them to be able to sleep in, so I would get a cab to school. It was 6 AM here, which means it was 2 PM in California. I quickly shot Jay (A/N- when you accidentally type Lay oops, no unicorns here sorry) and Sarah a text.

You: Hey, I know you're in class (I also know Sarah won't care), but I'm sorry we haven't been able to call. I'm about to head to school, I'll try to call you at lunch which is around 12, so it'll be about 8 there. We'll definitely talk on Sunday though.

I'll be honest; it feels nice to be back.

I arrived at school a little before I probably needed to. I was scared of being late and having to introduce myself, though I knew I probably would have to anyways. Because I was so early, I took my time walking inside, not wanting to awkwardly hover until the bell rang. When I left, I was in "middle school" so this school is a little new to me, but I've been inside it before.

I straightened my school uniform before entering the main office. The secretary looked up about to ask what she could do for me, but when she noticed me, she smiled widely.

"Park Miyeong! Is it really you?" I recognized her from years ago. She used to work at the middle school before she transferred over.

I bowed politely. "Ne." I smiled back. We caught up a little before she pulled up my schedule, getting up to show me to my home room.

The bell hadn't rang yet, but it would soon, and she stepped into the loud classroom, teenagers laughing, throwing paper and sitting on desks. There was a group huddled around a group of desks, and I wondered what was so interesting, but I doubt I wanted to know. She coughed, and the man at the main desk, who I assumed was the teacher, hushed the class, who immediately obeyed, sitting down in their designated seats.

She began talking to the teacher, and I tried to not look shy, but everyone was staring at me. She kind of hid me from their view. The bell hadn't even rang yet, why were they so quiet? "Miss Park?"

"Ne?" I tuned in at the sound of my name.

"This is your home room teacher, Mr. Kim."

He smiled at me, and I bowed. "Please come introduce yourself." The secretary smiled before leaving quietly. I was nervous, and I didn't even know why.

From the back of the room, a gasp could be heard.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm-"

"Park Miyeong?!"

Should've Held Onto You (CHA EUNWOO)Where stories live. Discover now