41 - Formal

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Before anyone knew it, the winter formal was upon us, and I was getting ready in my bedroom, having just finished my makeup and hair, Sumi at my side.

"Ah, you look beautiful, Miyeong!" Sumi fawned, making me laugh and shake my head, flattening my dress in front of me self consciously.

Suddenly a voice erupted from my laptop, "Miyeong, I don't know what she said, but I know it was a compliment- take the damn compliment!"

My cheeks flushed at Sarah's words, and I translated quickly to a confused Sumi who cracked a smile, muttering that she agreed.

"Yeah," Jay grinned, "you look hot, Miyeong."

"Woah, woah, woah, what's all this I hear?" Ashton slid into frame next to his boyfriend and, upon seeing me, said in surprise, "Miyeong, you look hot."

At this, we all shared a laugh.

"You both look stunning. Have a good time tonight, and be safe!" Sarah smiled widely, smile only growing when Sumi stuttered back a "thank you".

"Yeah, and Miyeong, try to get with that one guy!" Jay exclaimed enthusiastically.

Sumi quickly chimed in, "Yah, Eunwoo!"

Jay nodded enthusiastically. Despite my playful anger at their matchmaking, it filled my heart to see my closest friends interacting and working through the language barrier. Sumi had never been the type to study too hard- just enough- but lately she'd been studying English in her free times, utilizing an app on her phone and asking me questions frequently. I admired her drive and was grateful to have such great friends. So pretending I didn't hear them, I replied back, "I love you guys."

"Aww," Sarah cooed, "Virtual group hug, y'all."

"Y'all?" Sumi asked in a broken accent, and we shared another laugh.


"You guys look so beautiful!" My mother fawned over Sumi and I, continuing to snap picture after picture. "It's so nice to see you two together again, all grown up!" Meanwhile, my father was standing stiffly beside her, shaking his head at her emotional state. He had complimented us as well, but didn't feel the need to go crazy.

It was in the midst of our laughs and attempts to get my mom to stop that a limo pulled up in front of the building, seen clearly through the apartment lobby's wide windows. We are all suddenly silent, in awe at the shiny black vehicle that basically stood for wealth. Out walked Jinwoo, blonde hair perfectly styled, black shoes glimmering in the setting sun, looking handsome as ever in his maroon suit jacket and black slacks, squinting up at the sun with a smile on his face. Damn, I could've fallen in love with him in that moment. That moment was in slow motion, but suddenly a mirage of beautiful boys was spilling out of the vehicle. Myungjun adorned a patterned, black jacket with solid pants. Sanha looked adorably put together in a grey suit. I almost swore as Minhyuk came into my view dressed in an all black suit, copper tones in his hair hitting the light perfectly. I glanced at Sumi, as we always fawn over the main dancer together, but she was preoccupied staring at another, mouth slightly open. I followed her gaze to none other than Bin, looking nice in a black suit jacket with a navy blue vest beneath it. My heart dropped as I could so visibly see her love for him. That thought was quickly replaced with what the hell as Dongmin entered the scene, his classic black tux fitting him better than I think I've ever seen anything fit anyone, the bow tie around his neck completing the ensemble. He was smiling, his eye smile looking so cute, I could melt. Despite that..

"A limo?!" was the first thing I said when they entered the lobby. I noticed the desk manager look up at all the handsome, well-dressed men, mesmerized, before quickly shaking their head and returning to work.

"Astro travels in style," Jinwoo simply said, a half-smile on his face. "Also, no one wanted to take MJ's monstrosity of a car, so.."

Myungjun was quick to pipe up, "Hey, it builds character!"

"Wow.." Moonbin drew out, "You guys look amazing." To my surprise, he was looking at both of us, taking in even Sumi's appearance with wide eyes. Had something changed? My heart leaped a little for her, and I noticed her looking shocked as well.

"Are you kidding?" I asked with a laugh, "You all know you all look perfect!"

With a smirk, Minhyuk struck a pose. He schmoozed, "Okay, maybe just a little bit."

"Noonas look so pretty!" Sanha smiled and hugged me tightly, his height looming over me. So cute!!

"Sanha, why don't you ever hug Sumi?" Jinwoo asked, in a sort of reprimanding tone, as if he didn't want Sumi's feelings to be hurt.

Sanha nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "The last time I tried to hug Sumi noona, she pushed me off of her and hissed." Looking over at the girl in question, she nodded slightly, not looking bothered in the slightest.

"Aw, you guys are so cute!" My mother suddenly said, making me remember she was there. "You all look so handsome, too! Come on, just a few more pictures- and make sure you grab some at the formal for me, okay?"

"Yes, Mrs. Park," the whole group droned out, getting in positions and traversing outside for some more photos. After all, this was a big deal for us. As much as pictures can suck, this is my first time going to a big dance with these friends after having been away from some of them for too long. I couldn't blame my mom for being excited; I was too. Half an hour later I was pushing the group out of the door, telling my parents goodbye and that I loved them, them yelling back to be safe and have fun.

When I turned, Dongmin was in front of me, holding open the limo door with a small smile. "M'lady," His smile widened as he nodded for me to enter the vehicle.

"How chivalrous of you," I commented with a smirk.

"Anything for you," He replied quickly, eyes boring romantically into my own, and I had to force myself to look away.

The limo was huge, a seat wrapping around one side and to the back across from a mini bar. None of us are of legal drinking age, so that would not be utilized, but I took note of some water and sparkling grape juice. As childish as it sounds, I love me some sparkling grape juice. The lighting was dark and ambient with some neon accents, and I gazed on it in awe. Up-beat music was already playing when I entered, and Dongmin came in right after me, closing the door behind me, and we were off.

"Let's get this party started!" Minhyuk yelled the minute the door closed and the vehicle began to move, and we all cheered, taking on his energy.



Sooooo, it's been like almost a year since I've updated this story, so everyone's probably deserted by now. I apologize for that. Kinda started college and all that shit (ugh, don't get me started), and I've gotten lazy and kind of stopped obsessing over Kpop (oh noooo). Butttt, just had the flu- why is this good? For some reason, I listened to a ton of old Astro while I was bedridden, so I'm kind of (maybe temporarily) re-in love with them, not that I could ever not love them. And I miss this story a lot, so I would love to continue to. That being said, I may or may not bE MAJORING IN ENGLISH so basically I'm reading and writing all the time. Which is great. Except. I don't always like to read and write in my free time anymore soooo. We'll see what happens.

Thanks to those who read this update!


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