35 - Johnny

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The break passed quickly, and though we had fun, there was a noticeable tension in the air, with Sumi's rejection still at the forefront, though not everyone knew. I wonder if Bin had told the others.

Bin tried his best to act normal, but I could tell in his feet that never stopped shuffling and his hands that never stopped fidgeting that he felt uncomfortable.

Sumi tried as well, though not as hard. She still smiled but rarely laughed. Lately she'd been going to sleep later and later, not entering the room until well past midnight. I didn't know what she did in that time, but I wouldn't ask questions. I trusted Sumi to have healthy healing methods and to come to me should she need to.

I never found myself alone with Bin or Dongmin again on the trip, for which I was thankful, as my brain was as jumbled as ever. I hated this confusion, but I hated even more trying to sort it out.

This utopia of vacation was coming to an end, which meant stress was to ensue. The Winter Formal was coming up too soon (Sumi and I were going dress shopping after school), and I still didn't know what to do. Should I ask Dongmin? I couldn't help but feel guilty. I didn't want a happy ending if Sumi couldn't have one. Maybe we should all go as a group..

With that came musical rehearsals, which would start after school tomorrow. I've never felt so busy in my life, I guess that's what being friends with idols does to you. God, I sound pretentious as hell.

I also still had 4Life to think about. Astro said that Fantagio was probably trying to figure out what to do with Dasom, Haru, and Juri. They were a fair company and probably didn't want to just let go of such kind and hardworking people because of something their group member did. I get why 4Life has to break up, but I just wish they didn't.

"Park Miyeong."

"Huh?" I snapped out of my convoluted thoughts suddenly, looking up to see the teacher raising an eyebrow at me. Some kids around me laugh. How long had I been daydreaming?

The teacher glared at me, "The answer, Miss Park."

What question were we on?

"Uh.. I-" I began to, with shame, tell him what he wanted to hear. I wasn't paying attention.

"n+1 times n factorial over n factorial.." A whisper came from my left. Dongmin.

"N plus on-"

"You'd fare better in this class if you payed attention. You can daydream about Mr. Lee all day, but he can't take your tests for you, which should be your real concern."


Ok, so maybe I wasn't doing too hot in math right now. Everything was easy, and I'd done really well at the beginning, but I'm so distracted..

As the teacher continued the class, I frowned down at my desk, my leg shaking anxiously.

From behind me, I heard two girls giggling.

"Why does he even like her?"

"She's literally so dumb."

"How is she even in this class?"

My grip around my pencil tightened. This was an honors class, and, believe it or not, math was one of my best subjects- not my favorite, but one of my bests. Although their words hurt, I put on a brave face and tried my best to pay attention. I could feel Dongmin's eyes on me, but I didn't look at him the entire class.

"I'm sorry for getting you called out too," I frowned at the ground, watching my feet as Dongmin walked me to my next class.

We stopped outside the door, having plenty of time.

Should've Held Onto You (CHA EUNWOO)Where stories live. Discover now