4 - Friends

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I had found out I had homeroom with all of Astro and Sumi. Homeroom mixed grades so that was the only class I had with Sanha, Myungjun, or Jinwoo. It was lunch time, so we were halfway through the day. I'd had five classes already, including homeroom. I had Sumi in three of five. I had two classes with both Dongmin and Bin, a third with just Dongmin, and they've been been staring at me all morning. I can tell they want to talk to me- I can tell they think I'm mad at them- but class has given us no breaks, and during passing period, they're surrounded.

Just as the bell rang for lunch on my fifth class, Dongmin stood to approach me. "Miyeong!" He called, and I turned to speak with him, but a group of kids swarmed him, and I smiled a little at him before nodding goodbye. As happy as I am for them, I miss when I didn't have to fight for their friendship.

As I exited the room, Sumi ran to me, hugging me again.

"You've hugged me like eight times just this morning," I laughed, hugging her back.

"I can't help it! My best friend in the whole world is back. I keep thinking you'll disappear," She smiled widely. "Come on, it's lunch time."

Following her until we got to the cafeteria, I said, "I need to try to call my American friends real quick, but I'll meet you in there."

Sumi gave a nod and a smiled. "Of course!" She then waved, going to get lunch, and I saw a boy approach her. I think it was Jinwoo.

Finding a quiet place outside the eating area, I was able to get ahold of Sarah, who happened to be with Jay, awaiting my call. I wondered how long they'd wait for me. I felt bad.

I told them about how much I missed them, and they asked how Korea was. I told them about seeing Sumi again, but I didn't explain Astro. They always had speculations that something happened with friends back here, and I never told them. At the time, I didn't like talking about what happened with Dongmin and Bin, and they respected that. I just told them I was sad that I didn't talk to Sumi anymore, which was true. I'd explain it with them some day face to face or on video chat.

It filled my heart to hear them being so genuinely happy for me. I said bye with a heavy heart, but the day was going good, and nothing could change that.

Just as I hung up, I looked up to see him walking towards me.

"Oh, Dongm-"

He hugged me. He had gotten taller. I'll admit, he had grown even more handsome, if that was even possible. I hugged him back, trying to convey how much I missed him.

Before I could say anything, he was apologizing. "Miyeong, I am so sorry. I-"

"Dongmin. I know. I'm not mad or upset." He looked surprised at my words. "Sumi told me everything, and I couldn't be happier for you." His shocked expression turned to joy and he embraced me once more, saying,

"God, I missed you so much. I wanted to call you or text you or see you and tell you everything. I could've never gotten here if it wasn't for your support. This is the world giving us a second chance. We were never meant to part." His voice was slightly muffled in my shoulder, and I blushed, heart racing.

Yah! Why does he do this to me?

He's always made me feel like this. Why is he talking like he still has feelings for me? You know how it is with your first love; you can't just let them go. You'll always have some type of feelings for them. Although I'll always like Dongmin, my feelings are nowhere near as strong as they were two years ago. I wondered how he felt.

"Come on," He smiled, grabbing my hand. "Let's go get lunch. I want you to meet the rest of Astro. Also, Moonbin wants to talk to you."

I wondered if he didn't like me calling him by his real name, as he seems to call the rest by their stage names.

We quickly got our lunch, catching up along the way since the line was long. I told him about America and my mom's job. He told me about Astro and learning to dance. He asked if I still had his old BTS hoodie, to which I said yes. I asked if he still had my humorous love letter to Zhang Yixing, to which he said of course, and he laughed.

He led me out to the school courtyard. No one else ate out here, and he told me they ate out there to avoid the commotion. We were in the middle of reminiscing, when a shout was heard.

"Look who it is!" Sumi waved frantically, her eyes bright as she sat beside Bin, who looked almost scared.

The others laughed at a joke I think MJ said. When we got there, they quieted.

"Miyeong, I-" Bin began.

"I know."

He blinked away the tears that were forming before standing up and hugging me. The others smiled. I guess they told them about me.

Dongmin put an arm around my shoulder. "Well, guys. This is my childhood best friend, Park Miyeong. Miyeong, that's Sanha, MJ, and JinJin."

I bowed, but Jinwoo yelled, "No formalities! Any friend of their's is a friend of ours." He grinned adorably.

Omo! So cute!! *-*

I nodded, flashing him a grin.

"So this is the famous Miyeong," Myungjun's smile reached his ears. "We've heard everything about you. Trust me. It's been two years since you moved, and you're still all Binnie, Sumi, and Eunwoo talk about." He laughed. "I swear Moonbin and Eunwoo are in lo-"

"Yah!" Bin and Dongmin interrupted him. I blushed and nervously laughed, knowing he was going to say they're in love with me. Everyone laughed as Sanha looked lost, saying,

"They're what, hyung?"

Myungjun laughed loudly, rolling on the blanket on the ground that everyone sat on while hitting Jinwoo's arm, but Sanha was still confused.

"MJ hyung! Whatttt?" He didn't understand, and I covered my mouth to stifle my laughter.

I think we'll all get along just fine.

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