9 - Messy

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"I told you not to freak out," I gave Sumi a bored expression as she jumped up and down in my apartment bedroom. From below, a thump could be heard as the downstairs neighbor hit the ceiling, obviously annoyed. I immediately planted Sumi on the ground by the shoulders, yelling, "Joesonghamnida!"

"Mian, mian- I'm just so excited for you! Miyeong, do you understand?! Cha Eunwoo asked you on a date!" Sumi stressed.

"It's not a date," I reminded, "He was just being a good friend and getting people to back off."

"Right," She rolled her eyes. "Anyways, come on, I'll curl your hair."

Smiling, I sat down in front of my vanity mirror, and she began curling.

"So where's he taking you?"

"I have no idea. I want to look casual since this is not a date," I said, and she rolled her eyes. "It's just us hanging out. After all, we haven't seen each other in at least two years. Is it not strange that we're still such good friends after not having contact with each other or so long?"

"Nah, it's just true friendship," She smiled.

"So what's Bin been doing since I left?" I inquired. Sumi and I had caught up, and I figured Dongmin and I would as well, but I haven't talked to Bin much yet.

Stopping mid-curl, she quickly asked, "Why do you ask?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Um, I'm just curious? What is it, Sumi?"

She laughed almost nervously before continuing to curl my hair. "Nothing, nothing. It's just.."

"What? You can tell me," I turned around in my seat, trying to assure her.

Bringing a hand to her mouth she muttered something I could hear before fake coughing.

I gave her a sarcastic look. "Wow, that really helped."

Sighing exasperatingly, Sumi exclaimed, "I like him, okay!"

"What?!?" I stood up, surprising her. "You like Bin? HOLY SHIT, SUMI!"

"Yah! Keep it down!" She hissed at me.

"Mianhe... How long have you liked him?"

She gestured for me to sit back down, and I did, allowing her to continue with my hair. She let out a sigh before beginning her explanation. "I've actually.. I've always liked him. I can't really remember a time when I didn't."

Frowning, I looked at her in the mirror, and she looked sad. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know." She sounded unsure, and, because of that, I didn't want to push it any further. I trusted her; if she wanted to tell me something, she would.

"Why haven't you done something about it?"

"He..." I pleaded her to continue with my eyes. "He, um, Moonbin's always liked someone else. It's not important. It's hopeless love. I'm too invisible for someone like him."

As she put down the curling iron, I stood up and hugged her. "If Bin doesn't see how amazing you are, then he doesn't deserve you. I'm sure he'll come to his senses, and you'll be together in no time. For now, please tell me this stuff. I want to help you and be there for you, okay?"

Sumi nodded and smiled at me. "Alright. Now let's finish you up."


"So where are we going?" I asked Dongmin. We were walking, so it probably wasn't that far away.

Smirking, he looked down at me, saying, "You'll see."


"You've always been stubborn and impatient," He stated.

Should've Held Onto You (CHA EUNWOO)Where stories live. Discover now