26 - Scared

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Unknown: i will ruin you. he'll never love you. i will not stop until they are no more, Miyeong.

The text was for me. They said my name. The number was the same from before. I felt anxious, a pressure on my chest, as the world moved happily around me. I texted back.

You: Who is this?? And who is "they"?

I waited anxiously for a reply that didn't come. I sighed as Sumi began talking.

"Yeah, so she told me-" Sumi gasped all of the sudden, yelling, "Out of my way!"

I watched her tear through the crowd of students circling a bulletin board, my eyes wide. Some of the kids looked upset while others looks satisfied. I realized that the musical audition results must've been posted, though I didn't understand why Sumi was so excited since the crew didn't have to audition.

"Miyeong!" Her voice cut through the crowd, and she ran out, grabbed my wrist, and yanked me to the center.

"Ow! Sumi, that hurts!" I pulled my arm from her grasp, rubbing it with a frown.

"You'll live," Sumi began pointing at the bulliten board. "Look!"

The musical was "Beauty and the Beast". Obviously, every school seems to do this musical at least once so I guess it was our turn. I turned my gaze to the board, where the names were printed next to their roll. At the very top was: "The Beast..........Lee Dongmin".

But right under it read, "Belle..........Park Miyeong".

"I got the lead?!" I asked in disbelief.

Out of no where came Astro. Sanha hugged me, yelling, "Congratulations, noona!"

"Yes!" Minhyuk pumped a fist in the air. "I got Gaston!"

"Why am I not surprised?" JinJin rolled his eyes playfully.

I hadn't heard much of Minhyuk's singing voice, but from the one time I heard him singing to the radio, he's really good. I was surprised that JinJin hadn't wanted to try out for the cast, but he said he didn't like his voice. I'm sure his voice is amazing. Sumi and Sanha both didn't want to go to practices, so they went on the crew. As for the others, Bin is playing Lumiére, and MJ got LeFou, funnily enough.

Since winter break was approaching quickly, practices would start afterwards. Once again, it felt like there was so much to do in so little time, especially with the formal to think about.

"Alright.. if you go to the formal with Eunwoo, I'll go with Bin."

Sumi's voice rang through my head.

This is going to be more stressful than I thought.


Something random that day happened in science class. Something random and super awkward. This was the class I had with Bin, and we were lab partners, though the teacher was cautious ever since the fire incident.

We had finished notes early, and kids were talking anyways. We sat in the back of the class, and we were playing hangman to pass the time. We still had 15 minutes left. The teacher didn't care if we talked and played games as long as we got our work done well.

"Miyeong.." Bin trailed off, setting down his pencil.

Sensing the change in atmosphere, I looked up from the game inquisitively. "What's up?"

"If you.." He looked around the room, eyes meeting anything but me. He continued, "If you.. like someone, how would you tell them?"

Part of me wanted to tell him not to, because I knew it was me. However, the sympathetic voice in my head screamed at me. I wasn't trying to lead him on. It was obvious it was me who he liked, but I didn't know what to do about it. I certainly didn't want to make things weird, and I certainly didn't want to hurt him. After all, we've been friends for forever. As much as I would like to believe nothing could change that, could this?

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