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She stopped right around the corner, pulling Grey to a stop too.

"You can-should go back now."

Grey's eyebrows pulled together, confusion coloring his face.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"Yes. No. You really should go, it's late and you probably have somewhere to be and-"

Blue was interrupted mid-babble by her sister, pulling her against her.

"Where have you been? This is the second night you've come home late and-"

Her sister stopped, just noticing Grey.

"And who is this?"

Her sister exclaimed pointing to Grey.

She didn't give Blue the chance to explain before going off again.

"Mom is going to lose her mind. You seriously don't even know how much stress you put us through. Let's go. Now."

Like a dog with it's tail between it's legs, Blue followed her sister down the street obediently.

Grey watched as they walked away, Blue practically being dragged by her sister, and stood there in shock until even her sisters yelling was out of range.

Grey And BlueWhere stories live. Discover now