2. Someone

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Kara POV

"Kara, there's unusual activity near the city." I hear Winn through the com as I soar over National City, overthinking, as usual. 

"I'm on it." I announce and follow his directions, until finally I see something redish in the distance. I whipe my tears off my face and try to leave my thoughts behind as curiousness peeks on my mind.

I squint my eyes to get a better look but it's too far away. Doubt spreads through me. I squint my eyes to try and get a better look at it.

I slow down when I arrive and start to descend carefully, near the splotches of color in the barren land. With my X-Ray vision I realize that whatever it is, is human. A very battered one however. His ribs, his skill and his back are cracked.

I land and finally realize something...it's Barry. 

"Barry?" I ask and run towards him only to find him unconscious and bleeding. My heart starts beating like crazy and I check his pulse which he has almost none of left. Panic threatens to block my mind but I try to push it away with a great deal of effort.

"No, no, no." I whisper and inspect his wounds carefully with my x-ray vision, once more, seeing blood dispersed unevenly through internal bleeding.

"Kara, what is it?" Winn asks and I try to keep it together but seeing him like this makes me want to look away.

"It's Barry Allen." I answer unable to believe myself when I speak his name out loud. as I carry him back to the DEO, wishing, for Rao's sake, that he lives.
"Tell me he'll be alright." I breathe out as soon as Alex exits the medical wing.

"He's stable for now but we don't know the extend of his injuries, so we'll just have to wait until he wakes up. I have to say though Kara...it was pretty bad" I close my eyes for a second and exhale air.

"Who would've done this?" I ask myself but John is listening.

"Probably someone on his Earth." He hypothesizes. I nod in agreement.

"But, he'll be okay? Right?" I search for answers in Alex ' and John's eyes but they remain quiet.
I hear someone walking towards me from behind and I turn around.

James looks at me for a second then turns around. I walk up to him and smile.

"Hey." I greet but his lips remain shut.

"Really? Are you still not talking to me?" I interrogate.

"James, please. We're both going through a rough time. We need to be there for each other." I plead, however, his face remains blank and I sigh wondering if he dreams of MonEl as I do overnight. If he remembers his best friend and partner in crime as well as I do.

"Fine. Have it your way." I look down to the floor as I walk away 

I feel like I'm drowning. I need someone. I whisper to myself.
Back in Star Labs - Caitlin POV

"Barry? Barry?!" Joe screams through the com but there's just static.

"Cisco, what's going on?" I ask when all alarms start beeping and flashing.

"I lost connection. I can't contact Barry." He sighs but seems to do nothing about it.

"What? That's impossible. There must be someone way to reconnect-" Cisco grabs my hand as I press buttons randomly in panic.

"Caitlin, I tried everything." Cisco tells me. I squint my eyes at him. Cisco doesn't give up so fast.
Suddenly, it manages to regain connection to Barry's vitals and they are all over the place.
Cisco's eyes widen and I can't even start to describes how hopless it feels to know that there's someone you care about crumbling apart and you can't do anything to help them.

Kara POV

"Supergirl, he's waking up!" A nurse shouts and I stop pacing, heading directly to the medical wing, finding Barry's eyes open, looking at the ceiling. I sigh in relief and run to him.

"Thank God you're okay Barry!" I shout and hug him but he seems to spring into action and uses his speed to pin me to the wall.

I grunt and look at him.
"Where am I? Who are you?" His eyes seem to wonder around and I realize that he can't see. He's desoriented. Gives me flashback to a certain person when he first woke up on this Earth.

"Barry it's me." I croak out but he seems to be too scared to recognize me. I hear his heart thrumming hard against his chest.

I remove his hands from my shoulder but again, he uses is speed to hit me repeatedly on the stomach. I struggle to breath but refuse to let panic invade me. He may be blind for now but he's kicking my ass.

"Sorry for this." I whisper and activate my superspeed too. I grab his throat and slam his head against the concrete. However, when I'm about to knock him put, he phases out of my grip, wasting no time to kick me on the back.

Damn, I never knew how difficult it could be to beat the Flash. 

I grab him by his ankle and fly out the DEO, landing on an abandoned building. I have advantage here 

"Barry, listen to my voice. It's Kara!" I scream and he falls to the ground as I touch ground.
His senses seem to be dull but he's a good fighter so I must not underestimated him.

He starts running in circles and I squint my eyes, since there's too much light.
It seems to be in slow motion as he thrusts a lighting bolt into the air.
Before it can hit me I focus my heat vision  on it. The energies crash, sending a shock wave through the both of us.

Everything hurts for a minute but then my world seems to slowly come into focus after being thrusted by the ear splitting sound.

"Kara, are you okay? Oh my god." I can hear Barry's voice clear up a bit and I open my eyes.
He's kneeling beside me with worry filling up his eyes

"It's okay. I'm okay" I sit up and look at him as he apologizes over and over again.

"Barry it's okay. We're even now remember?" I smile softly recalling when the aliens tried to mind control me or something. 

He sighs in relief with me for a moment and I look around the empty building, which is practically on fire but that makes me laugh harder. It took us less than a minute to set everything on flames.

"Welcome back to my Earth!" I greet vaguely and hug him, laying on the concrete floor. He hugs me back, and I feel a certain coolness wash over me when I reassure myself that he's alive.

"Nice to see you Kara." He laughs, flashing that million dollar grin.

"You kicked my ass, Allen." I admit and he smiles at me a little ashamed. I want to ask a hundred different questions but something tells me to wait.

He then laughs quietly, I join in. After a moment, he remains eerily quiet for a minute, sitting beside me with his head between his knees. He looks...defeated.
He slowly lifts his face to reveal tears flowing down silently. The orange light from the fire around us light up his face.

"Barry..." I whisper and hug him as the tide rolls over him.
He needs someone right now. If he needs me to be that someone, I will be.

I hope youre liking the story so far. I'll try to update soon. Thank you for reading! Have a gr8 day. :)

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