25. Escape (Part II)

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Barry POV

"Ready?" Cisco asks me. I nod silently and look at my team. Alex nods at me and Cisco presses the controller's button. A blue portal opens up in the middle of the room. Iris, Caitlin, Alex and Cisco walk in, leaving no trail behind them. I look back at Joe and he smiles at me.

"Go get your girl back, son." He hugs me and I hug him back. One of the things you realize on the verge of death is that you never know when your times gonna come around so you better enjoy the little things.

I join my team as I step into the portal and for a second Im surrounded by white. The moment after, National City greets me with something Kara and I know very well: the smell of potstickers.

It feels like a reminder that she's here with me. And that gives me unbelievable strength,

Alex POV

"Dammit! there's nothing here!" I kick the brick wall in front of me, frustrated. I point at the wall and look at Cisco who's holding the coordinates Winn sent us, so that we could find Kara.

"Why is there nothing here, Cisco!?" Cisco holds up his hands, scared.

"I-I don't know, Alex. I-" I step closer to him. Much closer.

"You. Don't. Know?" Barry steps in and grabs my shoulders pulling me back. I let him because deep down I know that all this mess is not Cisco's fault. But for a moment it seems damn right to take my anger out on him.


"Barry, Kara's not here. She was supposed to be here! You already checked the tunnels underground, and the building around and Kara's missing. Kara's gone!" I scream and Barry looks at the way you look at an injured puppy.

"Please. Don't say that." A tear slips down my cheek.

"Oh, but it's true, Barry. And you know it" I whisper. He shakes his head.

"Kara wished 2 things upon me if she died: 1. I should never stop looking for happiness. And 2. I needed to keep her world safe. and the only one who could do that was someone who matched her power...her clone." His eyes widen.

"No." His word resonates through me as I think about another Kara running around saving people while I know that the real Kara is dead and long gone. That she is not my sister.

Suddenly, a loud sound hisses through national city and a cloud of smoke shoots up to the sky. Fire blazes and people scream. I look at Barry who's long gone with a single gush of wind and lightning behind him. Iris and Cisco look at each other in panic.

I head for the DEO. Whatever that was. I know it's bad. People run around and scream for help in absolute chaos. This settles a decision inside me:

I need to activate Kara's clone.


Barry POV

I can't see through the smoke and the ash around me but somehow as I get closer to epicenter of chaos, the scenery clears up. There's stands Lex Luther grandiosely.I squint my eyes and look up at his exosuit. It seems...altered. In some way. The blue neon wires attached to it seem to have a power of it's own.

"People of National City. Your skies will be dark. Supergirl is dead. Your hero is gone. And all of you will fall." I step up closer to him and he looks down. A smirk extends across his face as he notices me.

"Mr. Allen. I would tell you I didn't expect to see you here. But...I did." He punches through the floor and I swear a wave of energy punched the holy spirit out of me. I'm sent flying and land on my ribs with a sweat crack.

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