22. Fallen Angels

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Savitar POV

I didn't see her.
Barry took me by surprise with the V9.
I didn't see her.
Not until she put herself between me and Barry. She saved my life. Both of our lives.
The impact of both Barry's speed and mine create an explosion of light, sending me and Kara flying towards a direction and Barry on another. I lay on the ground, my suit destroyed by the blow. Everything hurts and my ears ring. And thats when I see her.
Kara lays on the ground limp, her cape covering her body. My heart skips a beat and I can feel my mind racing, with everything.

"Kara?" I sort of whisper shakily. She doesn't respond and I swallow hard. I run towards her and turn her over. I lift her body onto my legs and cup her face. Terrified. She has bruises and cuts on her cheeks but she looks at ease.

"No. No, no, no. Kara, wake up! Kara, open your eyes! Common, open your eyes, Kara!" I hold her and I feel whatever was left of me, breaking. She looks so peaceful as if shes gonna wake up and tell me everything is okay.

I cry over her and put her forehead against mine. Tears flow down my face uncontrollably as I track her slowing pulse. She's dying.
This is what I'm afraid of. The pain of losing someone. The pain that made me Savitar. I don't want to feel it anymore. I don't wanna have it. I don't wanna know it.

"I need you to open your eyes, Kara. Please." I sob and plead. I just want to see her blue eyes at least one more time. Along with her smile. But deep within, I know...shes gone. Her body is here but the light is gone.

Kara wasn't supposed to get hurt.
What was she doing there?
And thats when I put the pieces together.
She arrives at exactly the right time, the right place. Like she knew what she was gonna happen.
She somehow knew I was going to die and she took my place.
Kara Danvers being Kara Danvers.
She saved my life.

The realization makes me want to lay there until I die along with her. With my friend.
Somehow, even after I became Savitar she was still Kara and she was still my friend. Not even that kind of darkness could touch her.

She had a way into my life that even I couldn't really explain.
I kiss her forehead and lay there begging life to bring my fallen angel back.
I scream in pain, in regret, in desperation. In her absence.

"No. I lost everything! Not her, dammit!" I don't know who Im so angry at but it is carving something I cant fill up with any kind of revenge or hate inside of me. Like something I know is gonna constantly tear me apart, like a wound that doesn't heal. It hurts to breath and its never going away, the pain never does.

Out of nowhere a voice booms over us.

"Introduced to the Multiverse. And now...speedsters? Kara Danvers is sure a pleasure to follow around." Theres a bald man, inside a green metallic armor, looking down at me and Kara. I look up, with sweat, blood and tears staining my face. I hug Kara tight to me. I don't want anyone to touch her, to look at her. She's my Kara. She's my best friend.

"Whatever you want to get out of this, I can assure you, it wont end well." I snap, feeling rage burning under my skin.

"Its not something I want to get. Its someone. Ill take her." He points at Kara and I hold her tighter, the leaves crunching under me. My anger, my hate makes me aware of every single cell in my body.

"Like hell you will." I grit my teeth. And then he laughs.

"Kid, you don't want to mess with me." He points at himself and I lay Kara down, softly on the ground. Standing up to face him, her body behind me.

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