22. Walking on Sunshine

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Alex POV

"Alex, stop!" I hear J'onn J'onzz's voice bounce off the walls as I hold the vile with Kara's genetic code inside. I only have to place it in the incubator and it's done. My Kara, the Kara I grew up with, the real Kara... will be gone.

"J'onzz please don't make this harder than it already is. Please..." I plead as I freeze when my eyes connect with Maggie who's beside him. She takes a step forward, extending her arm in front of her.

"Alex, give me the vile." She smiles kindly as a tear slides down my cheek and I can't really breathe. I just want this to be over. I want the hesitation to fulfill Kara's wishes to be gone. I want to not be in this much pain. I just want my sister.

"No. She just asked one thing from me, Maggie. I can't un-promise that." I croak out, tears choking my words back.

"Listen to me, Barry found Kara, okay? He's getting her. Right now, in this exact moment as we speak. She's alive, Alex. She's coming home. Your sister's fine, so you need to put that vile down." My heart contracts for a second and it's so much relief that I doubt it's true.

"That's impossible." I whisper. Maggie's eyes fill with empathy as she steps even closer to me.

"No, its not. You're seeing Kara again. She's not dead." I drop the vile and it spills on the floor. I hug Maggie with all my strength. I think I haven't felt more relieved in years. I feel like someone gave me back my sister and that suddenly the pain is gone, all that remains is hope.

Barry POV

Kara's eyes were technically the last thing I saw...before Cisco vibed us back to Earth. A few seconds too late because the blow did hit us pretty hard and we made two huge holes on National City's public park, knocking both of us unconscious.

All I remember was opening my eyes, slowly and seeing a blue spot that later clarified into a battered Kara on the floor. But I smiled because I knew we had made it out alive. For some reason, by some miracle. And then, I passed out.

The beeping around me, assures me I'm in the medical wing of the DEO. I squint my eyes as a headache storms my brain. I groan and swallow hard as my throat is as dry as a dessert.

"Hey, Barry." Caitlin's soft voice greets me once again into the world. I slowly adjust my eyes to the lighting and look at her. She smiles at me, and then looks at Cisco who's nodding proudly.

"Ma boy..." He shouts and pats me on the shoulder. I wince when pain spreads through me.

"Sorry." He purses his lips and I let a little chuckle out.

"You saved us Cisco. Thank you." He smiles at me.

"You're so very welcomed." He grins.

"Where's Kara?" I whisper to Caitlin. For a second, a fleeting instance I thought of the worst. She's dead. I didn't save her.

"She's in the other room. She's still knocked out. But she'll be fine" I sigh in relief and look at the ceiling still unable to believe we made it out alive.

Suddenly, Iris walks in with a pleased expression. Savitar behind her, holding her hand. I try not to glare at him but it's already a habit.

"Hey you." She holds my hand now. I smirk.

"Hey." I respond.

"I'm so glad you're okay. An thank you. for bringing him back." I nod. Savitar's head hangs low.She let's out a breath and then kisses me on the forehead. "I'm gonna check in on Kara, okay?" I nod and watch her leave.

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