15. The Broken

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Kara POV

"Ten thousand." I hear Barry's soothing voice over me, as I slowly open up my eyes to meet his. He looks angelic, or that may be the low levels of glucose in my body, but either way, I try to absorb every little detail about him.

"What?" I ask confused and a little disoriented about what he just said. I squint my eyes as consciousness slowly arrives, circling through me.

"It's ten thousand calories, Kara. You are supposed to eat that much if you want to become a speedster." He smiles at me, clearly happy I'm awake. Not exactly sure why I'm on the floor  until I remeber running for 6 hours straight until I made it through a blue portal to his Earth. Then I just remeber blackness and asking Barry something, Which I guess this is the answer to my question.

"Ouch." I croak when I try to move and sit up from Barry's arms. He helps me up, putting a reassuring arm on my back. I feel every muscle groan from inside me. He looks concerned but also a little relieved.

"Kara." He shakes his head disapprovingly. I try to smile, knowing what he's about to say.

"You could've ended anywhere in the universe but here." He scolds quietly at me. I tilt my head, grinning.

"But I couldn't live in any of them if I knew I hadn't tried." I whisper. He seems to watch me with careful eyes, but I can feel he's proud of me. I lean in to hug him, still on the floor. He laughs on my shoulder and I do the same.

"What happened to the device Cisco gave you?" Barry asks me and I grit my teeth.

"Um...Alex thought it was a bomb and since she's so paranoid, when she stepped into the apartment she accidentally blew it to bits with her gun." I explain, he laughs nervously and I melt. Damn, if he isn't gorgeous.

"I'm glad you're here. I thought-I thought-" He stutters and his eyes widen with fear on mine. I pull my eyebrows together.

"Yes?" I push him to go on, but his question seems to be obliterated in mid air as I hear Cisco cheer in surprise after a moment of hesitation and worry.

"Aye! Girl of Steel! If you I hadn't vibed you I would probably though you fell from heaven, girl" I can see Cisco's acting kinder than normal but I brush it off. I smile and try to stand up but do so very slowly, with Barry's help, until I can finally hug Cisco. 

"You can let go now." He manages to speak as I realize I'm hugging him way to tightly. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ears. "Sorry." I whisper.

"No way...is that...?" I hear Caitlyn wonder as she runs towards me with a grin on her face. I get excited about seeing her. To be honest, between me and her, I'm not really sure who kicks more ass.

"Hey, Caitlyn!" I embrace her , careful not to hug her too hard. She looks at my tarnished boots and her face masks with the same expression Barry got when he realized I had ran to get here.

"I know..." I laugh and press my lips into a fine line.

"You know the multiverse is really big, right? You should've been careful. But, I'm glad you're here." I put on my brightest smile and walk shoulder to shoulder with her to get some food in my system.


Barry POV
"Why isn't there a Jitters in my Earth?!" Kara exclaims with a foam mustache after sipping her Flash drink. I laugh at how she looks at the cup. As if it were a fallen angel. "And why isn't it named after me?" She continues to wonder out loud. I stare at her, thinking: How lucky am I, to have this woman's heart.

"What?" She asks with a grin when she notices me staring. I snap off from my thoughts and giggle nervously.

"Nothing, I ummm I was just thinking." Suddenly her thinking face lights on and I knit my eyebrows together trying to figure out, what she's thinking.

"Yeah, I've been thinking too." She pauses and places her blue crystalline eyes on me.

"I came all the way here to apologize...I'm sorry about what I said, Barry. I didn't mean it. It was childish and-"I stop her and put my hand up to do so.

"It's fine, Kara. I messed up too." I explain and look away, hoping that the words that intended to hurt would  disappear.

"So, we're ok?" She asks and reaches for my hand. I nod and offer her a smile. I feel warm all over. Her shoulders seem to relax as the smell of coffee submerge us in a long chat about practically everything. We laugh. We cry. We laugh-cry. It's awesome.


"It's her isn't it? It was all about Kara." Iris sudenly speaks from behind me and I turn around. Kara seems confused and then realizes why Iris is angry. I'm with her. She looks at Iris and then at me, as if saying: I thought you had it fixed.

"Not here Iris. Please." I stand up and plead.

"Fine." Her heels click against the floor as she exits JItters, and I watch her as she leaves. When I turn around to face Kara, she's already gone. I breath out, hoping she's not gone back to her Earth already.

I need her.


"Iris!" I shout after her and she stops dead in her tracks to turn around and face me. Her face irradiating with fury. She crosses her arms over her chest expectantly.

"You don't get to be mad." I start and her expression shows indignation.

"What did you just say? I don't get to be mad?! Barry, you're in a relationship with Kara while you are engaged with me!" I step closer to her, trying to keep my anger at bay.

"You broke off the engagement! You broke me!" I remind her and myself how I couldn't even look at my suit before Kara came along, however she backfires.

"Well it's not like you didn't do the same to me! And I guess you saw the same in Kara, after her boyfriend died." I feel something bubbling up inside of me.

"Are you saying I'm dating her because I pity her?" I accuse.

"I'm saying you don't know  her like you know me. What makes you think it'll work?"  To be honest, I can't believe what she's saying. I feel a lump in my throat, watching my best friend tearing me down.

"Iris you were supposed to be there for me." I whisper as the city's night life takes over with lights and sounds. She exhales slowly. I feel like 

"Instead of pointing fingers, Barry...you should spend the time that's left enjoying what you have." She responds, her eyes as hard as stone.

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head.

"Ask Cisco." She disappears into the night, leaving me alone with a ring on my ears.


"Cisco!" I shout as I reach the cortex. Cisco stands up from his computer looking alarmed from my tone. I look at him, trying to find the lies that lie beneath.

"Iris said something. Something about 'the time that's left'." Cisco's face flashes white for a second.

"Cisco..." I say cautiously, hoping he'll tell me the truth. "Give me the truth."

"Remember what Iris said about we defeating Savitar?..." I nod, hoping for the worst. "Well, it wasn't exactly true. I told her to tell you that." My eyes widen and I feel dizzy for a second, trying to gather my thoughts. I hear that ring in my ears again.

Iris is still going to die.

AN: Hello multiverse readers!

I hope ur ok and hope u liked this chapter.

I'm so not ready for the season finales. This is gonna be epic.

Annnnddd, Cat Grant is BACK, ladies and gentlemen! Finally, i must add.

Have a nice day, dont forget to comment and vote! TTYL :)

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