17. Here

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Barry POV

"Have you seen Kara?" I ask Caitin after her weird departure. Caitlin's eyebrows furrow and she twists her head to the side, thinking. The smell of Jitters fills the air around us while we chat about what's to do next about Savitar, my mind however, is elsewhere. Kara.

"Um...no. Why?" She asks, curiously. I shrug and look around for her, for the 11th time in a row as I'm hoping maybe her smile'll pop up. Cailtin seems to notice.

"Is she in trouble?" She asks taking a sip of her Flash.

"I don't know...she was just acting odd this morning." Caitlin purses her lip and lifts her eyebrows. "Odd how?" I try to gather up a sentence to describe her behavior but the truth is that, I don't know how to.

"I don't know. She was just weird and she seemed worried about something." I respond. Most of the time I'd say that she was just worried but I could feel it was something else this time...

"I'm sure it's nothing." Caitlin's voice seems to fade a bit, concentrating on her hot drink again but I can tell she's starting to worry along with me.

"I hope." I pause and fix my eyes on her. "Have you noticed her a little bit different. Like...sad." I want to know how she's doing, I want to know if she's okay and I'm guessing she talked to Kara, she always spoke fondly of Caitlin back on her Earth.

"She didn't tell, but to be honest I did notice that she was a bit... dull." I'm starting to get horribly uneasy.

"Hmm." I say trying to brush it off but to be honest, I can't take my mind off of her.

The kiss. The talks. Her earth. Her.

I wonder what would've happen if I'd never open a portal here. I wonder if we could've been happy.

The thoughts drown me in guilt as I remind myself of Iris, of Joe, of Iris, of Caitlin.

I can't leave them. But I can't seem to leave Kara either.

6 hours before - Caitlin POV (STAR LABS)

"Kara?" I ask as we're still on the floor doing practically nothing.

"Hmm?" She responds absently, looking down at her hands.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask her and her eyes immediatly shift to mine with panic, as if she really doesn't want anyone to know about it. He eyes, finally soften.

"Is there something that isn't wrong?" That takes me by surprise since Kara isn't much of a whiner. I look at her, knitting my eyebrows together. She stares into my eyes for a few seconds but then she shrugs, her cheeks turning scarlet.

"I'm sorry. I blurted it out. I just...I'm not in the brightest of days." She murmurs and I offer a kind smile, she return it.

"Well then...you didn't answer my question..." I push. She sighs and looks at the ceiling.

"Caitlin, why does it hurt so much to loose something that wasn't even yours in the first place?" Her words draw a question mark on my mind as she answers with yet another question. I take her hands on mine.

"Maybe because we thought it was. Maybe because we were strong enough to count on that." I answer.

Suddenly there's tears in he reyes.

"I just...I just wanted something forever for the first time in my life, Caitlin" She whispers and I hug her as she leans her head against my shoulder.

"We don't need forever if we have each other, Girl of Steel." I tell her and silently tears slip down our cheeks in synch.

We cry for the ones we lost. We cry for the world.

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