10. The Dark and the Light

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Kara POV

She flies into the air and I do the same  a second after. She suddenly stops and levitates in mid air. My heart pounds in my chest. The fresh air runs through my body.

I take a cautious distance between me and her. I observe her with both fear and admiration. Her arms extend to sides and she takes a deep breath as if she's absorbing the sunlight.
I watch in awe as I had no idea how much the black eyeliner suits me. However I get slapped from my thoughts when she looks at me.
Her eyes seem cold but intense at the same time. Her face seems to have a glow of its own. I cant help but to think that bad Kara is...prettier, better. I hate myself for that.
I look down for a second to make sure Barry's okay. Since he was stabbed Ive been more overprotective than usual.
"You havent't let me out in a while." Her velvety voice wraps around my ears and the sun makes her facial features stand out in a prominent and beautiful way.
No words come to mind so I just keep watching her, my mouth open.
I then realize her suit is black and that the S on her chest is a dark shade of grey.
"You like it dont you?" I shake my head to brush the thought off. Its just that she seems so alluring so... powerful.
"No." I lie and she points to her forehead bringing the crinkle I always have to my attention. I plant a hand on my face and place a scowl instead when she knows Im lying.
There's silence between us but my anxiety presses on.
"Aren't you gonna beat me up or something?" I ask with my brows arched. She sighs and stretches like shes in a morning stroll.
"That would be too easy. I think its better if we just talked..." Her tone sounds like shes giving orders but I dont budge, recalling how hard evil Kara messed up Alex last time by just "talking".
"Or not." She tilts her head with a smirk as I heat my eyes with laser vision. Of course she does the same. We stop when we realize its futile.
I pant in exhaustion.
"Kara, I told you its better if we talk." I groan in frustration.
"And I told you theres no way in hell." My words seems to impress her. And to be honest it surprises me too.
I realize that being near her is like being near red kryptonite. I get annoyed and angry and depressed all at the same time. It makes my heart sink.
"Feel that?" She asks grimacing. Her hands on her hips like shes the boss of me.
I feel the anger and try with all my strength to push it away but I cant. Every single bad thought I have comes to the surface.
I need to get away from her. She smiles because she knows it.
"Bye bye Kara." I clench my jaw and head back to Earth with desperation on me. Tears threaten to fall but I fight them.
Barry is leaning on the post lamp. He was waiting for me. I dont even look at him and keep walking.
"Kara whats wrong?" I look forward because I know that the moment I look into his eyes I'll fall apart.
"Just..." I shout but then lower my voice with my head down. I can feel Barry's hand on my back as he worries. "Just give me a second." I take as deep breath with my eyes closed and finally release it.  I can feel myself calming down.
"Sorry. I was just upset." I apologize and look into Barry's warm eyes.
"Hey its okay." He whispers and we both head for the DEO.
"She's hot." Winn comments as were talking. I shoot a glare at him and he sinks into his chair.
"Hey, have you seen Barry?" I ask Winn. After he finishes chewing up a Twizzler he speaks:
"No. Have you?" He points the candy at me.
"Would I be asking you if I had?" I snap and clench my eyes shut as I know I messed up.
"Sorry." I whisper, my eyes still closed.
"I see youre hot ironed today, girl of steel." I ignore his remark and walk away.
Whats going on with me?
I feel like theres a reason to shout everywhere. Like theres someone I need to hit or punch. Im losing control.
And I think that having Barry here just intensifies it. He makes me nervous but right now Im mad at him for not being here.
Where is he anyway?

Barry POV

I see Kara flying above me  at the same speed as I am running. First, I think shes racing me but then she lands with a boom in front of me, a fist in the ground.
I take a step back.
"Whoa." My face holds surprise as she slowly stands up. The sand around her makes a cloud of dust. The sun is high up in the sky. This is the place we first met.
"Where were you?" She asks with her hips on her hands. Her fierce prescence surprises me.
"Kara is everything all right?" I furrow my eyebrows when I notice the anger in her voice.
"No. No ones heard a thing from you since yesterday. And you've been dissapearing through out the day. Whats going on Barry?" She sounds deeply annoyed.
"Im working on something." I mutter scratching my head.
"What is it?" She questions me, looking around.
"Remember the tachyon device that made me fast enough to get to your Earth? Well, it made me faster but ever since the blue lighting thing...beat me up...Im not fast enough to make a portal back to my Earth. Even if you help me." She bites the inside of her cheek.
"Is my company that bad?" She asks. My stomach sinks.
"No! No, Kara, Im actually having the time of my life with you. But...I left something very important pending." My words rush.
"And whats that?" She asks with an eyebrow rising. I take an deep breath and step close to her. Her blue eyes etching for attentions were in mine.
"I need to save Iris. I accidentally saw her die in the future and I... I need to change that." Even I can hear the hopelessness in my voice.
"Iris? Iris?! Theres literally a maniac loose with access to kryptonite, my evil doppelganger is out somewhere and youre worrying about Iris?" She seems indignated and I shake my head at her.
"Kara whats wrong with you?  Youre not being yourself lately." Her eyes widen in surprise as if she just realized.
She takes a step back and her breathing speeds up.
"And I think I know why..." She flies into the air and dissapears.

Kara POV

"This ends right now." My voice booms as the dark sky makes the city glow below us.
In the news, evil supergirl seems to have the spot light.  Shes been setting building on fire and destroying private property.
Evil me has a despisable smirk on her face.
"I guess it does." After saying this, she takes me by surprise and punches me hard in the stomach.
I try to punch her back but shes too fast.
"Lets take this to the city." She pushes my abdomen with so much force, my body is planted in the cement as she slams me to the ground and fall at least a 100 meters.
"Bye Kara." When shes about to throw the punch into my skull I roll to my side and connect my fist against her back, making her stall for a minute, breathless.
"Lets do this!" Her head moves to the sides and she cracks her neck.
I admit that shes strong. Maybe even stronger than me when she drags me through a building.
I groan in pain when I reach the other side but refuse to stand down and stand up. My legs trembling but my chin up.
"Oh, Kara. You would be so much better without them. Without Alex, without James, or Winn. You could rule the world. But your heart is still beating and in the hands of the scarlet speedster." She mutters the last words like their disgusting but she made and big mistake mentioning Barry. Rage blinds me.
I release an angry scream and pin her to the ground with my hands on her neck. She helpless now.
Every voice in my head wants me to kill her
"You could've saved MonEl if you were more like me...You couldve been better." Tears start rushing in a cascade from my eyes as I press against her throat. And I cant help but think shes right. That pisses me off even more.
Im so angry and I hate myself for that
I hate myself for loving someone so much. For not being able to protect the people I love.
With every single fiber of my being fighting me.
I release her.
"I knew you weren't strong enough.  You never were. You were always evading the things that scared you the most. Never brave. Never strong. Never enough." She shouts as I fight tears. Im still on top of her.
"Maybe. But theres a difference between you and me. You've seen only the dark, however my eyes have touched the light. And now, I have both. I may never be enough but Ill never bow down to you." I finish her by knocking her out. Soon her skin starts to peel off. Ive beat the darkness. She gone now.
Her body is now gone but I lay there crying histerically.

I cry because I miss my parents, because Alex's not here, because Im angry and because Ive realized that Im irrevocably and passionately in love with Barry Allen.

I hoped you like this chapter as much as I did. It was longer but oh well.
I really like the thought of Kara not only finally having control of her dark side but to actually be able to face her.
I don't know If I'll be as constant as usual in updating but I'll try.
Finally this hiatus brake is over, sooo that's good news!
Too much talking. Please vote and comment, it would be very helpful.
Bye my living beings in the multiverse!!!

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