6. Not Him

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Kara POV

"Did you call your cousin?" Barry asks me and I nod, pacing fast at the DEO halls with a hand on my forehead. Barry walks along with me.

"What did he say?" Barry questions while raising an eyebrow.

"He said something about a...justice league. I have no idea, the thing is...he can't come." I tell him while John talks on his cellphone to someone in the conference room. I'm worried it might be Alex. I bet she just landed.

"You did tell him who we're talking about right?" His doubt makes me little annoyed.

"Yes, Barry!" I shout and he stops pacing back and forth with me. I stop and take a deep breath to cool myself down.

"I'm sorry. I'm just stressed." I apologize and walk up to him.  I can tell there's something bothering him too. His lips stretch to a tight line.

"It's okay. I just..." He pauses and I realize that there's something he wants to tell him, however he dismisses whatever he wants to say by waving his hand but I don't let go. I'm afraid to ask if it's Iris he's thinking about.

"Are you okay?" I ask in a low voice. His green eyes reach mine and I can swear I can see grief in them. He puts his hands on his hips and throws his head backward.

"It's just that these days I've been thinking about my parents and it bothers me..." I open my mouth to speak but realize that I have no motivation in myself to help him.

"It gets more bearable over time, you know?" I try and put a hand on his shoulder. He puts his hands behind his neck and nods with his eyes closed. I understand where he's coming from. Somedays the memory of my parents haunt me.

"Supergirl. Flash. We still haven't tracked Luthor yet but I may have an idea." John shares and I get ready to listen.


"Let me do the talking." I command and Barry nods rapidly as we enter the building.

"Do they really not recognize you with those glasses?" His hands seem to be shaking and he looks around like a scared puppy.

"No. They don't." I throw him a smile and he smiles back after we get in the elevator. I recognize the song playing on the background and Barry does too. He smirks and I bite my lip.

"Put a little love in your heart!" He points a finger at me with his mouth open to give me the queue and I continue singing. We sing at the same time and remeber the time we were trapped in a musical. It feels ridiculous to even think about it now.

The elevator soon opens and we straighten up. I adjust my glasses and clear my throat as we exit the elevator in 56th floor. Barry seems amused by the futuristic appearance of the building and I grab his arm to keep him walking.

"Kara?" I listen to someone call for me and I turn around. Lena Luthor opens her eyes welcoming me with a warm smile. I hug her and Barry introduces himself.

"I'm glad you finally payed a visit." She exclaims. I nod.

"Sorry, I've been loaded with work." I explain. She looks at Barry and grins.

"So. How can I be of your assistance this time, Kara?" No one actually saw Lex Luthor at the scene and the government is probably keeping the media from knowing he's out in the open to prevent chaos. She has no idea his brother is out and I know that Kara Danvers is not fit to tell her but Supergirl is.

"Well, Supergirl asked me to ask you if you could meet at in an hour at the roof?" My voice shakes because I realize that, that light in her eyes could go out after she finds out her brother is out to hurt people again.

I know I need to tell her. The only one who can fight a genius is a genius. A Luthor.

"Sure." She tilts her head a bit and her teeth shone bright.

"Thanks!" I hugged her then she winks at me, heading back for her office.


Barry POV

"She seemed nice." I cross my leg over while the elevator descends.

"Yeah." She sighs. "She's great." There's silence for a moment and just that minute of silence makes me miss my home. I lied to Kara. I wasn't feeling well because of my parents. Well, not totally. I was feeling like crap because I'm thinking of Iris. I'm wondering if she misses me or if their looking for me. Kara seems to hesitate every time she wants to ask about my life in Earth 1. I still don't know why. She specially evades asking about Iris.

The elevator stops and a tall man walks in. Kara and I scoot over so that we're besides the man. I watch as the levels descend on the screen. Suddenly he speaks.

"It's curious both you and Kal El chose the same profession." In that instant Kara doves and before a kryptonite dagger can go through her skull she kicks him in the back, with such force he collapses for a minute. However, the kryptonite weakens Kara a bit. Not enough to intoxicate her but enough to make her human.

I put her behind me with my super speed and she breathes heavily. We need to get out of the elevator. This is an enclosed space, Kara can't be so close to the Kryptonite.

As if the elevator heard my thoughts, the door opens with a ding and I run out with Kara leaning on me. 

"Kara!" I look at her while she recovers her breath.

"I'm fine." She reassures me but I'm not so sure.

"Let's get this part started." I hear Luthor say behind us with his exo suit now on. From the roof, however, Lena watched with horror.


Kara flies high and then comes down with her fist in front of her, punching Luthor's exo suit on the chest. It leaves a big round hole but it doesn't quiet shatter it. I already now that that it's not indestructible but it can take a lot of punches, even from the man of steel.

He falls on his back and I take that opportunity to thunder bolt him on the same spot Kara hit him. However, his laugh can be heard from inside the suit. He stands up fast and then punches Kara at high speed making her raise the pavement against her body. Kara, though, seems to be more angry than scared.

She focuses her laser vision to his chest and Luthor puts one feet behind the other, resisting the force. 

I run 5.3 miles and then start speeding up to hit him, my body bursting with electricity. My fist connects with the center of the suit. He seems startle but doesn't hesitate to lift his fist up ready to hit me. I run back and punch him again on the back. I can hear his groans of frustration as he's never experienced anything like that.

I turn to Kara.

"Barry, watch out." It't too late when he pins me to the ground, I try to free myself but can't. He's choking me. I gasp and try to free myself but can't. My consciousness is starting to drift away when Kara hits him with so much force, my ears ring for a second.

"Not him!" She mutters under her breath and her eyes fill with rage. Her punches come in sequence and as hard as the first one. Luthor seems powerless and she knows that he's down but she remains punching him with all her strength.

"Kara!" I shout but she doesn't stop.

"Kara!" I scream again. This time she stops, and looks at her hands with surprise then at me. Luthor takes the chances and lifts Kara off him with a punch and flees in an instant.

Kara stays down for a minute but she slowly sits up and finally stand up. I watch her with my eyes wide open in shock and almost fear. 

"He shouldn't have touched you." She whispers as she brushes my shoulder. 

I've always loved the idea of an overprotective Kara.

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